I hate no ride on Friday mornings Friday night Saturday night Sunday morning n night Pleass lord make away I don't know who to ask n people I ask say no lord send help I can't facts cab all of these
I am scheduled for a hernia operation Oct. 13 and now live in a new area. However, I do not know anyone at this time that can give me a ride home from the Hospital after this future operation which is required. Please keep me in prayer that God brings forth someone that can provide...
I give up on God…. I have been praying for Financial breakthrough and nothing. Now I may lose my job cause I don’t have money to get a ride to work in the morning. But we all say we are servants of God and we can’t even help each other. All I was for someone to cash app me so I can get to...
Pray no ones interfere with my new job I pray I do well n learn a lot n hope I make a great impression n maybe get a ride home Sunday so I can get xtra hours
Today the day I pray for postive vibs n pray things go smoothly n I hope I don't get lost I pray every one is nice n helpful n I get to n from work safe going to be weird getting a ride to n from work
Start my new job next Monday I pray I pass my test n no one interferes with me working 5 days a week 2nd shift I get a ride to n from work Thank you Jesus
I'm great ful for my 2nd shift job it a big step n I pray every one nice n helpful n I pray I pass my test n I pray things go smoothly postive vibs on next Monday I'm happy I got a ride to n from work
I pray I pass my test Tuesday n pray my first day at work go smoothly Praise the lord I got a ride to n from work Pray I meet new friends I really hope I like my job
Ira going to get a colonoscopy, he needs a ride. Mary needs financial blessings to pay her bills up, necessities. Sheila family finances, healing from the pollen. God bless each one of you and all your needs met.
Pray things go smoothly tonight I pray I shine n stand out n meet new friends n maybe get a Ride hone pray I smile n do good tonite n pray a cab or Lyft don't take long I really need to go home after my shift at 1230 am I don't want to walk home in the dark I'm scared so I hope the lord make...
I have no ride planing on order a Lyft after I get out from my 2nd shift job I pray it don't cost a lot cause I really need to order one Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday I pray the new job work out
I feel sad I can't get a ride through a friend Everyone say if you need a ride to work grocery shopping etc just let me know n I well help Well I need help 😪no one well help me I don't know what to do
I wish I had a car I don’t want to be stranded n I don’t have any xtra money for cab n no one would give me a ride Home 🙏🏻🙏🏻I guess I well walk home I am not going to miss out on xtra hours
Pray my new job work out n pray for favor m shine n stand out n meet new friends n get a ride home n I hope someone lives by me I don't feel safe Gaia Lyft everyday but I need this job so tied of struggling n not having enough lord make a way I pray my Faimly support n no one interferes