Lord let your revival come upon my husband to know you are the true God that I serve.
Let your mercy envelope my forthcoming traditional wedding
Let favour encompasa my business that i might receive financial help for increase
Let the car promised to me by my uncle be fulfilled on my...
Dear Lord, please send revival to all our churches and stop all wars around the world where it is causing untold pain to those who live there. O Lord save them please those who love to see people suffer and die, innocent children crying out for help. O Lord have mercy on them. Please God, fill...
God's revival in my life
God's forgiveness and mercy. I've fornicated and sinned against God.
I need God to restore back the joy of my salvation.
God's blessings and favor upon my life
Please pray for my revival and recovery by the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. I pray He recovers and revives me. My name is Don. Thank you and God bless you.
My church needs your prayers for revival to break out and Jesus name will be lifted up in our hearts. Pray that our pastor will be full of the presence of Jesus and the message He brings will be Gods word. Pray for the sick in our church who are with the flu and fever. May the Lord bless all of...
The Lord our God is righteous in all His ways so let us all bless the Lord and give Him praise for His deeds are great and His mercy is deeper than the ocean floor. Please continue to pray for those who are suffering under rubble in Morocco. O God, rebuild all churches and bring revival to that...
God This morning I am asking your grace on my cars to be fixed as they are needed in ministry. Help with funds to do this. I am also asking for success of our Revival of our salvation starting on the 11th of September. I also ask for your anointing on all speakers involved.
I ask for God's revival to strengthen and empower my spirit to combat every evil projection in my dreams, shame, disgrace, accusation. I possess my possession in the Name of Jesus . I will be settled maritally this year, by the hand of God.
1) Dear God please deliver all the members of INNOCENT EZEIGBO family, Amen 2) Dear God please heal every member of INNOCENT EZEIGBO family of any form of sickness, infirmity, spiritual attarch, spiritual manipulation and affliction. 3) let there be revival and manifestation of the purpose and...
Happy 4th of July for everyone. May God bless America and continue to save lost souls and bring revival to our heart, minds and soul. We need the Lord today and will need Him our future. Remember that we are heaven bound. This world is not our home, Jesus has brought us here to be a blessing to...
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord. Would you please pray for revival in our church. Lost souls from this city will come to know the Lord and be saved and be on their way to heaven. May God send more laborers to His field. They are ready for harvest.
This is the time to bow down before the Lord, as true worshippers of God will come to His holy presence and adore His holy name. This is the hour when the Spirit of the Lord will move in our midst and will send revival in our churches of oour cities and towns and will send blessings upon...
Please join me in prayer that our nation will turn from it wicked ways ,REPENT and turn back to God. The true body of God has compromised and called right wrong and wrong right. Yet we cry out to God asking for His blessings . Church arise and bring revival back to this world. Amen
Jesus wants to bless our life and make us all anew, so let us all call on the Lord, day and night praying and asking for revival in our hearts and minds.
I knew for sure, Jesus was coming to me and telling me. Follow Me, I will make you a blessing to many. I heard the voice of the Lord and...
Please pray that my church will be full of the glory of the Lord. We really need revival so all lost souls of our cities and towns will come to know the Lord. Have mercy on us o Lord and save all the lost souls we see in the streets, at work and wherever we are. Amen