
  1. RMathews

    Yeshua (Jesus) is coming! Revelation 22

    Yeshua (Jesus) is coming! Revelation 22
  2. RMathews

    Yeshua (Jesus) is coming! Revelation 22

    Yeshua (Jesus) is coming! Revelation 22
  3. Sparklee

    Father for our and all children of ...

    Father for our and all children of those praying here ask protection and survive tough times: Grow in wisdom, discernment, and revelation: Find freedom, restoration, wholeness; Understand Your purpose for their lives; Have a sound mind and a right attitude;Maintain strong&fulfilling...
  4. His servant Esau


    REVELATION ABOUT CORONA VIRUS (COVID 19) This is a revelation I received about Corona Virus -Covid 19 on 6 August 2020. I was keeping it to myself but now I feel I have to share it with everyone else. For we receive to give. It is written, "Why do you complain to him, that he answers none of...
  5. RMathews

    Yeshua (Jesus) is coming! Revelation 22

    Yeshua (Jesus) is coming! Revelation 22
  6. RMathews

    Yeshua (Jesus) is coming! Revelation 22

    Yeshua (Jesus) is coming! Revelation 22
  7. Anonymous

    Please pray for my friend. I am ...

    Please pray for my friend. I am confused as to the path my friend is taking in their walk with God, and many questions are rising up. Eg: are they really saved??? Is what they are saying Biblical? Why are they suddenly so defensive, even when faced with proof to the contrary IN the Bible. Please...
  8. Steven Bobb

    I notice of the posts that there ...

    I notice of the posts that there are people from all countries. Reminds me of the verse from Revelation,"A great multitude,which no man could number from every tribe and tongue and nation""Reap the harvest"
  9. Anonymous

    Hunger Revelation and Salvation

    I ask for a friend to have spiritual hunger, wisdom and revelation. She is going to be watching The Chosen and I pray Jesus would touch her heart and soul, Amen
  10. Kathaperas

    I pray for God's revelation on His ...

    I pray for God's revelation on His plan for me. I want to be open, be part of what He is doing and follow Him.
  11. Articles

    Today's Verse - Hebrews 9:28 (KJV)

    So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation. —Hebrews 9:28 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... Jesus is coming back! Are you ready? Are you waiting? My Prayer... Come Lord Jesus, your bride...
  12. Chothow

    That Jesus will bless me with a ...

    That Jesus will bless me with a steady job like right now Take off the scale off my eyes bless me the spirit of discernment with revelation and understanding.
  13. Yespost

    Pastor, pray that my eyes of underStanding ...

    Pastor, pray that my eyes of underStanding be opened to see what others do not see, my ears to opened to hear what others do not hear, the spirit of Revelation, pray for my children's salvation to be evident, for successful in the professional exams just wrote that God will qualify me by mercy...
  14. Leah2020

    Please pray for financial provisions/miracles and Gods ...

    Please pray for financial provisions/miracles and Gods wisdom and revelation for me
  15. Intercessor

    Pastors, Worship Leaders & Local Churches

    I ask God blesses the local church with The Spirit of wisdom and revelation, gives the pastoral team and elders revival, anointed study, worship, preaching and teaching. I ask for the elders, pastors, worship leaders, individual members and youth groups to experience revival, have jobs, finances...
  16. Anonymous

    My brother came in with the same ...

    My brother came in with the same witchcraft spell attached and my head got dizzy. I almost fainted. Come take me home Lord in n your mercy. I'm tired of battling these curses. U persist with your presence in my weakness and you are carrying me like the footsteps in ty he sand. Please petition...
  17. Lafsorgur

    This is his form

    Good morning EMMANUEL I need mercy of God to see my fiancee through has he registered again for navy this year and God should deliver me from spirit of an old woman, one of our family friend said he had a revelation about me twice now that I should pray against spirit of an old woman and setback...
  18. Iareal

    She has ripped off millions in scams. ...

    She has ripped off millions in scams. Jenny Hagger and Raf Shaw (and their many churches) is a false prophet and a witch. She has killed many with her false ministry and lust for money and power. She sends food demons on people she doesn%u2019t like. She is Jezebel in Revelation aligning with...
  19. Steven Bobb

    We read in Revelation,"And death will be ...

    We read in Revelation,"And death will be no more,neither will there be any more mourning or pain. for the former things have passed away.God will wipe out all tears from their eyes." I've been to funerals of loved ones, and those verses come to me at those times. However, I don't see some of my...
  20. Steven Bobb

    The 7 churches of Revelation--like us?

    We read in Revelation the letters to the churches.And one thing that stands out is,the writer notes that each church has some points where they follow the Lord perfectly ...but also, each one has some area that they are "weak" in--And also, not in the same areas. One may have victory in one...
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