
  1. Nengiere

    Thank you all for your previous prayers ...

    Thank you all for your previous prayers for my sons. Things are going better. Please continue to pray for them. Pray that my son that is in the academy pass all his requirements, graduate and gets hired immediately. Please pray for my other son to get accepted to the academy and do well. Please...
  2. Engikles

    Please Pray for my Vendor at Work to Deliver Reports that meet deadline & requirements

    Please Pray for my Vendor at Work to Deliver Reports that meet requirements - they are very late meeting a deadline that is coming up in less than a week and we will lose lots of money if they don't ,the taxpayers will again have to pay for another year and I may lose my job. Please God...
  3. Basil

    Lord I thank you for your favors ...

    Lord I thank you for your favors in my life. All my request and needs were granted. I am grateful for your blessing. You never sent back with empty hands for those who humble and seek your help. Thank you lord for everything. Bless all the praying people and never forget their requirements. Amen.
  4. Tydakari

    Lord pls help me to forgive and ...

    Lord pls help me to forgive and forget those who don't want me to progress in life but always laughing with me and pls forgive me for people that I have hurt before and I know and father in the name of Jesus Christ let this coviv 19 have core in Jesus mighty name aslo mighty father help us me...
  5. Basil

    I had applied for insurance claim for ...

    I had applied for insurance claim for jobloss as per their requirements. Please pray to get the claim approved and I will get the good amount remmbersment. There is a delay going on but God will bless me and provide me. Asking this favor in the name of our lord Jesus.
  6. Arunk


    Dear lord christ if they go on extending lockdown how about my job and career my daily needs and requirements I hope our company starts its business soon. In jesus name. Amen
  7. Rumemer

    We are going with the new treatment ...

    We are going with the new treatment 3 days completed for my brother it is brain tumour treatment lord jesus christ bless us with all the requirements we need and always be with us and everyone in the world I pray in the name of lord jesus christ and amen thank u
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