Normal stomach acid.
No acid reflux or gastritis.
Normal diggestion.
No toxins.
No unease or tension in my body.
Regular menstrual.cycle 28-30 days. Not shorter.
Moderate healthy 4-6 days period. Not longer.
Health of all lines, tubes, glands, organs, tissues reproductive system...
acid reflux
country: croatia
healthy 4 6 days period
healthy menopause transition
hormonal endocrine system
normal stomach acid
reproductive system
tubes glands
Total health and detox (spiritual, physical) of all my reproductive organs, glands, lines.
Regular menstrual cycle. (28-30 days, not to short)
Normal period length. (4-6 days, not to long)
Moderate not excessive period.
Healthy and easy menopause transition. I am 50.
country: croatia
easy menopause transition
excessive period
normal period length
reproductive organs glands
total health
No irritation, inflammation, viruses, toxins, harmful bacteria, itchiness or anything that is not of God in or on my body. Amen.
Nausea stomach. No gastritis, normal stomach acid.
Health of all reproductive organs.
Regular menstrual cycle. Not to short, but 28-30 days.
4-6 days length of...
Please pray for
1) normal stomach acid, not excessive
2) healed all dammage from to strong acid in my lines/organs
3) good mood, joy
4) no PMS, regular menstrual cycle, not to often (its to early)
Please pray that i will have regular menstrual cycle 28-30 days).
Normal not to excessive periods. Not to short menstrual cycle.
Pray that everything around menstrual cycle, period, endocrine system, glands, and female organs will be healthy and ok.
Dear prayer warriors, thank you for praying for me. Yesterday the menstrual bleeding was very heavy and i was terrified. Today it is much better, the bleeding is more moderate, so thank you very much for your prayers. Please continue to pray because my period lasts for to long, like sometimes...
1 healthy normal moderate period duration
body itchiness
country: croatia
days cca
dear warriors
godly mate life partner
good sweet sleep
good sweet sleep 7 godly mate life partner
healthy menopause transition
healthy normal moderate period duration
menstrual bleeding
normal blood pressure
regularmenstrualcycleregularmenstrualcycle cca
Let this menstrual bleeding stops. To long period.
Pray for regular menstrual cycle 28 days. Moderate healthy regular period 4-6 days. Healthy menopause transition. I am 50.
country: croatia
days healthy menopause transition
days moderate healthy regular period
healthy menopause transition
long period
menstrual bleeding
moderate healthy regular period 4 6 days
regularmenstrualcycleregularmenstrualcycle 28 days
Father God,
I pray that you will bless me with my period soon. I pray that I get on a regular menstrual cycle. In Jesus Christ let my prayer be adjusted according to the will of God. Lord, I need you, I thank you, I trust you, I love you. In Jesus Christ Name I pray Amen
Please pray for the health of my reproductive and female organs (purification), for normal and regular menstrual cycle, for harmony in my body, hormonal stability, peace and relaxatiom in my body mind and soul and GENERAL HEALTH.
Healthy eating, sleeping and exercising habits. Healthy biorhytm...
body hormonal stability peace
body mind
country: croatia
exercising habits healthy biorhythm
general health healthy eating
intermediate bleeding
long bleeding
unhealthy menstrual bleeding
1) regular menstrual cyclle
2) normal period
3) long bleeding
4) no intermediate bleeding
5) healthy female/reproductive orgams
6) harmonious hormonal levels
7) peace, harmony, health in my endocrine system
country: croatia
endocrine system
harmonious hormonal levels
healthy female reproductive organs
intermediate bleeding
long bleeding
normal period
peace harmony health
Please pray for regular menstrual cycle and moderate period. Everything healthy around it. Hormonal balance. Peace and health. Healthy female and reproductive organs. No stress feeling or fear/,anxiety around health.
Please pray that this to long bleefing will stop. Regular menstr cycle and healthy period please. I am 49. HEALTH AND ORDEE
R in my body. Health of all female organs. Everything that is not of God inmy body be removed and cast out into the sea in Jesus name, plucked out and planted into the sea...