Urgent please all pray Lord please please remove every single all blemishes all every marks all pigmentation marks all uneven skin tone all every red viens all every lines wrinkles every all streach marks from my skin fave please lord now right now never ever to return please renew renew my...
Urgent lord please please please remive every single all every skin blemishes all every pigmentation marks all efefy uneven skin tome all red viens all every marks all stewah marks all pale skin all dry skin all dull skin every all moles from my face skin please lord permanently permanently...
Urgent lord please please remove permanently all every blemishes all every pigmentation marks all uneven skin tone every all red viens all every marks blemishes every line every wrinkle all pale skin ll every dark circle hollow under my ete every streaxh all every skin blemishes all every moles...
Lord please please remive every single all every blemishes all every red viens all every pigmentation marks uneven skin time all every dark circle hollow under my etes all pale skin every steeach mark every skin marl blemishes moles from my face skin please permanently permanently rught now...
Lord please please remive every single all blemishes all every pigmentation marks all uneven skin time every all marks blemishes miles red viens every lines every wrinkles all pale skin every dark circle hollow under my etes every streach marks every all skin problems blemishes from my face skin...
U command every all red viens all every pigmentation Mark's every lines wrinkles all every dark circles hollow under my eyes leave my skin permantly right now never ever return ever in jesus christ namess
I’m Martha. I just noticed some red veins on the white part of my right eye that were not there yesterday. Please, pray these veins go away. My eye looks ugly. I beg you.
Lord I ask you please please remive every all dark circles hollow under my eyes permantly that I am astonished please bless this treatment please wuth Paul's to be a huge huge incredibly success that I am totally astonished desired results only with no no sure effects at all no bruising at all...
country: united kingdom
dark circles
desired results
huge incredibly success
pale skin
pigmentation mark
radusbt incredible young youthful amazing flawless skin
sure effects
Please please all pray lord please please remive every all dark circles hollow under my eyes permantly please lord remive every all red viens all ougmentatiins Mark's all blemishes all moles all pale skin all every line wrinkles all streach Mark's every all skin blemishes please from my fave...
Lord please please remove every all dark circles hollow under my eyes permantly please remive every all skin Mark's blemish red viens all every pigmentation Mark's red viens every all lines wrinkles from my fave skin permantly right now please permantly plesse renew my skin lord bless protect my...
I’m Martha. Please, pray my eyes are healed. They are really red from allergies with red veins. Please pray my eyes are healed and go back to normal. I beg you.
Lord please please remove every all dark circles hollow under my eyes please lord permantly bless this treatment with Paula to be a huge incredibly total success in everh wah produce amazing desired results with no side effects at all please lord in jesus christ name pleaseord remove remove...
amazing desired results
country: united kingdom
dark circles
dull skin
eveth lines
huge incredibly total success
pale skin dry skin
side effects
My lord my god I ask you please please remive every all dark circles hollow under my eyes permantly right now please bless treatment with paula to please please be a huge incredibly success with no side effects please lord that I am truly truly astonished amazed in jesus christ namess please...
beautiful clear flawless very radiant skin
country: united kingdom
dark circles
pale skin dry skin
side effects
skin dull skin
Lord please please remive every all dark circles hollow under my eyes permantly please lord remive every all blemishes red viens all pigmentation Mark's all every lines wrinkles all blemishes all pale skin all streach Mark's from my skin permantly permantly right now never to return in jesus...
Lord I ask you please please remive every all dark circle hollow under my eyes permantly right now never to return in jesus christ namess please lord remive every all red viens all every pigmentation marks all skin blemishes all streach Mark's all moles permantly all pale skin permantly from my...
Lord I ask you please remive every all dark circles hollow under my eyes that I hate please permantly right bow never to return ever in jesus name please heal my eyes in every way permantly from all dry eyes all watering itchy all evefy eye problems permantly now never to return please bless me...
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I stand on your words I ask you please remove every all dark circles hollow under my eyes that i hate please lord permantly rught now please never ever to return ever please lord ij jesus christ namess please lord remove every all red viens every all...
country: united kingdom
dark circles
face body
ij names
pale skin
pigmentation mark
pure clear incredibly radiant blemish wrinkle free veet
single way part
stretch mark
Lord please please remive every all dark circle hollow under my eyes permantly now please never to return ever in jesus christ namess please lord remove every all red viens all every blemishes all pigmentation Mark's every lines wrinkles from my fave skin neck permantly rught now never to return...
Lord please pleae remove every all blemishes pigmentation Mark's red viens dark circles hollow under my eyes from my face skin permantly tight now please never to return ever in jesus christ namess
Please please heal heal my skin remove please every all blemishes red viens all lines wrinkles every all pale skin every all skin blemishes permantly now in jesus christ namess