red sea

  1. Thailauin

    Urgent Prayer Request. I sincerely needs the ...

    Urgent Prayer Request. I sincerely needs the 11 hour , however, miracle. Just completed an interview, was very successful, all what the spirit led me into was what was asked of me. I know it was God at work. They were two interviewers, the man came first, we charted on a personal note, friendly...
  2. Anagniosyne

    Hello again Lord. Just me here. I’m ...

    Hello again Lord. Just me here. I’m wondering at what point is it all right to defend myself from some of the insensitive things that my wife is saying to me and doing to me? I’ve heard that responding in a certain way makes me look emotionally weak, seems weaker for her to say those things and...
  3. Azriel

    LORD GOD Help me Jesus Christ, I ...

    LORD GOD Help me Jesus Christ, I don't want to repeat my second year Law help me to cross over to my third year LORD. I know I missed the deadlines but I pray the stubborn of examiners would have mercy on me and give me another chance to submit my work this week LORD. Help me to excell with...
  4. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Honor My Faith Lord ! & Make A Way For Me Please that it can be a witness to Your Eternal Goodness to us who Pray Without Ceasing & Trust In Your Word

    Though times are very difficult in the whole world these days & it is often right up to the midnight hour & the Red Sea Moment before i am rescued from my trials Please Honor My Faith In You Lord as i continue to put all of my trust in You as i have done for my whole life-time Your ways are not...
  5. Thultalamp

    Idahosa Family Prayer Points 1. Father in ...

    Idahosa Family Prayer Points 1. Father in the name of Jesus, remember the family of Idahosa with your mercy and forgive and cleanse us from all sins that hinder your blessings and show us your goodness daily. 2. Any Pharoah holding the family of Idahosa from succeeding in life drown in the red...
  6. Mr_Peters

    Lord you are all I have, you ...

    Lord you are all I have, you are the only one that can rescue me and my loved ones from this issue. But I trust in you and know that whatever this problem is, it is no match for you. For you are greater and bigger then any of my issues. You are the way maker, the miracle producer, the deliver...
  7. Myhwash

    Pray with all your heart for God ...

    Pray with all your heart for God Himself to bring justice, forgiveness, salvation, and restoration to this nation. Pray for God to do such a mighty action that the people know that it was only God that did it. To use this nation that all people would know Jesus. Pray that He would root out the...
  8. Geennaea

    Thou God of grace, God of mercy ...

    Thou God of grace, God of mercy ; blessed be Your Holy Name oh Elshadai,Mighty man in battle, the "I am" the "I am". The great God of whole Universe. Be exalted and be Thou glorified in all situations in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Be adored and be lifted up above all heavens; Who...
  9. Tonaza

    Good evening Am scared,my spirit is troubled,more ...

    Good evening Am scared,my spirit is troubled,more like I have lost all hope in getting my life back on track. I pray for God's mercy upon me and for God to turn things around that I may recover all,every day is more like a night mere in daylight. Let God show up for me as He did for the...
  10. Vlan

    My prayer request is that God free ...

    My prayer request is that God free me from this situation am going through, to set me free, to get rid of this red sea before me I need rest. Thank you
  11. Oikodespeilema

    Return of Jesus

    I am asking you all to join me in praying for God's mighty protection of His church FROM the vaccines that are planned to be rolled out. I have understood that they contain dangerous ingredients to human life (the vaccine carton is available for viewing on the web). At the same time, I am...
  12. Articles

    Today's Verse - Deuteronomy 10:21 (KJV)

    He is thy praise, and he is thy God, that hath done for thee these great and terrible things, which thine eyes have seen. —Deuteronomy 10:21 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... He is our praise! The God who parted the Red Sea and supplied manna to the Israelites in the wilderness is also the...
  13. Virya

    Do Not Despise Small Beginnings

    “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin.” (Zechariah 4:10, NLT) Do Not Despise Small Beginnings When David went out to face Goliath, all he had was a slingshot and five smooth stones. It looked insignificant, ordinary, and certainly nothing special...
  14. Tetty

    Prayer for Prayer Warriors to Join

    I praise You Lord God Holy Spirit Christ Jesus for You are our Savior and Redeemer and only You deserve the praise. Lord, I know You're the same God that freed the Israelites from hundreds of years of Egyptian slavery. You're the same God that drove them against the Red Sea with the Egyptians...
  15. Angeline

    Prayer for the Lord's favor

    Heavenly Father, I pray for Your annointing to break the joke/remove the obstacles that the evil one placed on all the self employed people whose clients are living too much in anxiety for no reason which makes that so many self employed do not have enough customers. I pray for You to pave the...
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