Help to forgive your enemies as we are also forgiven and bless them. Please Make hair thick full and long lord and break all attacks on bony all itch and rash has to diminish head to toe
Please help to sleep Lord with no health issues aches or pains cramps itch or rash, keep the devil under my feet and bless our day and help to be on time for all Soon appointments please
Please pray that my son Forbes face is healed. It has a rash on it and we can’t figure out what is causing it. Please pray we get answers and that it is healed quickly without any problems, complications, or difficulties. Pray my babies face to get better. I’m asking these prayers in Jesus...
Please pray for my two year old son, Forbes. He has a rash that won’t go away on his face. Pray The Lord heals it as soon as possible and there are no problems, difficulties, or complications. I am asking these prayers in Jesus Christ’s sweet name I pray. Amen.
Prayers this rash will subside Lord after using the prescribed anointment for a few weeks looks now it’s starting to itch bad again, please need to sleep
I hope the Lord Jesus Christ, will heal and correct my incontinence. I hope the Lord Jesus Christ, will heal the rash, on my thighs. I confess Jesus is the Son of God. Your friend, Summer.
Very very urgent lord please please give doctor twedell please lord the wisdom to please give me the right medication to please please remove all puffiness fluid under my left eye cheekbone the right medication for rash on my body for her to be very nice with me please lord in jesus christ namess
Very urgent lord all puffiness fluid whatever it is under my left eye cheekbone take ot away permanently from the roots right now please lord never ever to return ever give doctor burns supernatural wisdom to please please give me the right best medication with no side effects take away rash on...
Woke in a drenched sweat and need to get tests done Lord our healer protector touch with your mighty healing hands and rebuke the rash and evil devour away from us that all this gets done asap
Please lord heal me this rash doesn’t ever diminish and these scratches I wake with on my back Pls heal me totally of arthritis asthma diabetes allergies feel so warm have to have 2 fans blowing on me at night body feels So warm and wake up sick and close ones our Minds Spirits Souls and Bodies...
Praying for a rash on my sons leg to go away. Praying it’s not a sign of anything more serious going on (it has been in the past). Praying for healing and that it’s not anything serious. Thank you so much
Jesus please help my son at school today. Let him find his missing bottle, let his Math teacher have a heart and let him go back and finish test, and let his English teacher grade his redos lile she promised she would. Please let my rash clear up. Please let the inspector who is coming today be...
Jesus please let my husband and son do what they are supposed to do. It is so stressful in this house right now and I am literally breaking out in a rash from it. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
My dad is having a rash on his left side over his stomach please pray that can be in control and with the right treatment and in the name of Jesus Christ will be healed.
I have had a rash on my legs for over a year but googled it and it came back as something potentially life threatening. I will see a doctor this friday but im freaking out. I also have had some heart problems and am praying to find a dr who can see me for that.
Praying for my 9 year old who has been having high (104) fevers for almost a week. It’s strange bc he has no other symptoms besides some neck pain (not throat) snd a rash. Went to the er-ruled out Covid strep meningitis etc. I just pray we can get a good plan together at the doctor today. Pray...