
  1. Felothalp

    Lord, I ask you for a husband ...

    Lord, I ask you for a husband and thank you for him. I ask that it has qualities: Loves Christ and me, reliable (will not betray or leave), true, faithful, prays often, teaches me the Word of God, takes care of me like a little girl, is pleasant to me outwardly, honest, wise, with a sense of...
  2. Khemsemange

    Praying for a life partner.

    Lord I come before you and thank you for everything you've done for me.I come before you and ask you to find for me a life partner.Dear Lord only you know what have gone through,the hurtbreaks tears and everything.My life has been full of tears ,rejection everywhere ,partners leaving me for no...
  3. Felothalp

    Lord, I ask you for a husband ...

    Lord, I ask you for a husband and thank you for him. I ask that it has qualities: Loves Christ and me, reliable (will not betray or leave), true, faithful, prays often, teaches me the Word of God, takes care of me like a little girl, is pleasant to me outwardly, honest, wise, with a sense of...
  4. Felothalp

    Lord, I ask you for a husband ...

    Lord, I ask you for a husband and thank you for him. I ask that it has qualities: Loves Christ and me, reliable (will not betray or leave), true, faithful, prays often, teaches me the Word of God, takes care of me like a little girl, is pleasant to me outwardly, honest, wise, with a sense of...
  5. Felothalp

    Lord, I ask you for a husband ...

    Lord, I ask you for a husband and thank you for him. I ask that it has qualities: Loves Christ and me, reliable (will not betray or leave), true, faithful, prays often, teaches me the Word of God, takes care of me like a little girl, is pleasant to me outwardly, honest, wise, with a sense of...
  6. Felothalp

    Lord, I ask you for a husband ...

    Lord, I ask you for a husband and thank you for him. I ask that it has qualities: Loves Christ and me, reliable (will not betray or leave), true, faithful, prays often, teaches me the Word of God, takes care of me like a little girl, is pleasant to me outwardly, honest, wise, with a sense of...
  7. Articles

    Character Because of the Spirit

    We put no stumbling block in anyone's path, so that our ministry will not be discredited. Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: ... in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; ... —2 Corinthians 6:3-6 NIV Key Thought "May I...
  8. Felothalp

    Lord, I ask you for a husband ...

    Lord, I ask you for a husband and thank you for him. I ask that it has qualities: Loves Christ and me, reliable (will not betray or leave), true, faithful, prays often, teaches me the Word of God, takes care of me like a little girl, is pleasant to me outwardly, honest, wise, with a sense of...
  9. Felothalp

    Lord, I ask you for a husband ...

    Lord, I ask you for a husband and thank you for him. I ask that it has qualities: Loves Christ and me, reliable (will not betray or leave), true, faithful, prays often, teaches me the Word of God, takes care of me like a little girl, is pleasant to me outwardly, honest, wise, with a sense of...
  10. Felothalp

    Lord, I ask you for a husband ...

    Lord, I ask you for a husband and thank you for him. I ask that it has qualities: Loves Christ and me, reliable (will not betray or leave), true, faithful, prays often, teaches me the Word of God, takes care of me like a little girl, is pleasant to me outwardly, honest, wise, with a sense of...
  11. Felothalp

    Lord, I ask you for a husband ...

    Lord, I ask you for a husband and thank you for him. I ask that it has qualities: Loves Christ and me, reliable (will not betray or leave), true, faithful, prays often, teaches me the Word of God, takes care of me like a little girl, is pleasant to me outwardly, honest, wise, with a sense of...
  12. Felothalp

    Lord, I ask you for a husband ...

    Lord, I ask you for a husband and thank you for him. I ask that it has qualities: Loves Christ and me, reliable (will not betray or leave), true, faithful, prays often, teaches me the Word of God, takes care of me like a little girl, is pleasant to me outwardly, honest, wise, with a sense of...
  13. AGAPE55

    Lord please show me

    Lord God I have been friends with Bob for 5 years. He is a wonderful human being. We have an incredible and healthy friendship. Lord I have prayed for a man that is decent, kind, respectful, honest, stable and most of all knows and honors you Lord. Bob has all those qualities. We were there for...
  14. AGAPE55

    Lord I need you to show me

    Lord God I have been friends with Bob for 5 years. He is a wonderful human being. We have an incredible and healthy friendship. Lord I have prayed for a man that is decent, kind, respectful, honest, stable and most of all knows and honors you Lord. Bob has all those qualities. We were there for...
  15. AGAPE55

    Lord I need you to show me

    Lord God I have been friends with Bob for 5 years. He is a wonderful human being. We have an incredible and healthy friendship. Lord I have prayed for a man that is decent, kind, respectful, honest, stable and most of all knows and honors you Lord. Bob has all those qualities. We were...
  16. Amthysten

    Guys a person said that I have ...

    Guys a person said that I have to forgive my mum for all the pain and trauma she caused my dad and I, in order for me and my dad to be happy. Apparently her traumatised spirit is passed down to me, therefore I have her qualities, and that is why there is problem between my dad and I. Is this true?
  17. Articles

    Today's Verse - 1 Thessalonians 5:23 (KJV)

    And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. —1 Thessalonians 5:23 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... We know that true righteousness and holiness are qualities possessed...
  18. Sparklee

    Thank You Lord Your love, holiness, mercy ...

    Thank You Lord Your love, holiness, mercy and all Your other qualities are unlimited in their scope and expression. You are not bound by time. Everything that has ever happened or will ever happen has already occurred within Your awareness-it is beyond our mind to comprehend. Yet, through Your...
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