Me-Absolutely fantastic and successful in all my classes and with all my pupils. All pupils doing their homework better then i ever tought possible. All pupils studying and getting better and better grades from day to day.
Till the end of the schoolyear. Amen
Let me be exceptionaly successfull today in my classes and with my pupils.
My pupils peaceful, obedient, motivated, inspired, dilligent, successful.
Me - patient, focused, authoritative, loving, friendly, wise, clever, assertive, original, creative, efficient, successful. Amen!
Please peace in the train. I am really irritated by 4-5 people who listen to their phones without earphones. Also pupils are loud because they enter in groups of 4-5 of them. Shouting simultaneously listening phones without earphones. I really like silence in the morning thinking about God and...
Lord please remove all the pupils that are smoking by the open door of the train. And all the smoke enters in.
And prevent people to smoke in toilettes of the train. And all other disturbances and irritations concerning the train. Including loud chatting, shoutin, loud music on phones or loud...
Pupils totaly obedient today.
Dilligent, motivated, interested, successful.
Me very successful in my classes today.
Everything done properly and on time.
My pupils to be every day better in my classes.
They - Obedient respectful interested inspired motivated successful talented.
Me - authority respect originality creativity right methods and strategies efficiency etc.
Very efficient today in my classes and with my pupils.
They - obedient inspired dilligent.
Me - authority inspiration motivation originality creativity and getting all things done properly. Amen
Extra success today in my classes and pupils. Me extra calm, inspired, getting things done.
Authority over my pupils. Pupils obedient, dilligent, inspired, active, motivated, enthousiastique, respectful.
Everything smoothe and easy and successful at my work. Visible progress of me and my pupils. Creativity, originality, success, everything right in my work. I am hugh school teacher.
I have classes now. Please pray that i will be extra successful today in my classes with my pupils, victorious, loving, kind, creative, original, fun, interesting and my pupils obedient and dilligent, amen
Perfect work at my job with my pupils today. Creativity originality, efficiency, all job done on time and easy so that i feel great releif after every class and at the end of my working time.
Please pray also all of that for this whole week (last working week in this year/semester).
Lord, today strong protection over me and my pupils and all people working in our highschool. Everything smoothe and easygoing at my work and in my private life. Strong protection, guidance, wisdom, insight, understanding for me today. Only good news and good events, positive news and positive...
Protection at my work.
Blessing at my work.
Help from all.
Creativity, productivity, efficiency, originality in my work with pupils.
Enough of grades for my pupils, end of the 1. semester.
Nobody harrassing me about my criteria and grades. Amen