
  1. ejmccurryii

    I pray for protection from my family. ...

    I pray for protection from my family. They will never understand. I have to be true to me. It's not my problem if they don't love me the way they should. They'll all be sorry one day when I'm gone that they didn't treat me with respect/love. I know who I am and I am proud of myself. I don't need...
  2. Empath

    I don’t think I pray correctly

    Prayers never answered. My son is still horrible. My life is still horrible. Not sure why I’m even still alive. What is this punishment about???
  3. Vestiloura

    Lord shine Your light on ALL!! Good ...

    Lord shine Your light on ALL!! Good and bad be shown the truth. Lord expose the lies and reveal the evil doers. Bring justice to those oppressed and punishment to those who lie, cheat, steal, slander and take life, liberty and happiness away from the innocent. Expose them now Jesus Amen
  4. Arinralg

    Goodevening dear Team ! I would ...

    Goodevening dear Team ! I would like if you can pray me today ,because this the day that the lord have made for me even though not same day,month ,year and time ,but i can say i woke up from my tomb and got a call .How prayer is Powerful .Because i had already been accused without knowing what...
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