Prophet, I'm sick my body is swollen, my feet is terrible swollen.My heart is beating and my kidneys might be couse. May I be delivered. My I be promoted too
I want God to locate me in his mercy and locate me in his favor concerning my health and that of carrier my business my marriage in Jesus name amen each time am watching Emmanuel tv praying with the prophet I used to feel very angry in my before you know I will start crying it also happen this...
God of prophet T B jushua help me your my helper and heal me from this sickness and deseas allso free me the bondage Satan free me all afflictions and infamity I shall not die but I will leave to testify your goodness in the land of living am have mercy on me and me please don't let me to die my...
Hello, i am a close follower of the from Monrovia, Liberia. I have been diagnosed with a kidney problem for the past three months now and I have since been sick but I'm able to do my duties as I speak. I kindly requesting that Prophet T. B. Joshua to pray for me to be delivered and...
Good day My name is Jonathan baba Am from nassarawa state I want prophet TB joshua to pray for me, am a footballer have not been sign out of nigeria I one to be sign out I don't know the way to go out of nigeria to play football
Emmanuel!! Please Prophet TB Joshua pray for my mother Mrs. Gladys Sosu. She is having difficulty in walking, she has knees problem. Please pray for us her children and our father Mr. Emmanuel Sosu. Thank you Prophet. Thank you Jesus. Emmanuel!!!
My name is Darren Sesay from Sierra Leone I would like prophet TB Joshua together with church to pray for my sickly mother who has been sick for over five years now She heard someone in our compound that gossip that she is a witch and from that time till now she has not be ok with her I bought...
Please prophet T B joshua pray for my daughters prophet T B joshua they're going for finnal Examination In Uganda called PLE please pray with us I don't have Job as father thanks
I am the son of Bishop Paul nyingi here in Kenya kitengela I love you so much prophet I need you to pray for me to act like you,Behave like you, Deliver like you and have grace and God's favour upon me that is the only prayer I want man of God
Please Prophet T. B Joshua talk to God on my behalf to connect me to my destiny helpers. Anyone who promise me cannot fulfill his or her promise. I believe it's only God that change my situation around.