Man of God please pray for my wife she is having kidney problem both her kidney is fail and also I requested to send the sticker and anointing water. Please help us my wife is suffering since 8yr. I believe if Prophet will pray for her in the name of Lord Jesus Christ she will be heel Amen
Hi prophet TB Joshua My name is Jeff from Zambia Please prophet pray for me to have a job, I have passed through difficult situations I have nothing in my life I lost job last year in October up to day I have no job and i even find myself in court, since October up to date we are just going to...
Prophet I'm Hindu.. but I believe u and Jesus very much...I'm much in need of u..I lost my husband recently and have 2 female kids to take care..everythg is in court..please bring me out from all difficulties..
Good morning my name is Wellington siziva from harare Zimbabwe i am aged 42 man of God pray for me poverty spirit and evil spirit is following me I'm unemployed for 3yrs pray for me prophet so that i can get a job Amen
Prophet Good morning .am Beatrice from Kenya have been going through alot in my life and my children have been in and out Of marriage without knowing why the one which schocked me is the surgery was done a week ago to remove uterus and have been going for prayers and one Man of God told me to...
Prophet my name is Fiagbe Richard.I want to request for a prayer because of my eyes problem for about two years now,I went to many doctors but right now my situation is still not solved.Man of God, please help me.
Prophet I have been jobless since June 2019. Have lost all I had, my kids chased from school because I cant afford their fees, my marriage is collapsing because I cant ably support it and my business is dead now. I have spiritual attacks that want me to join them if I want to get out of poverty...
Please prophet of God I'm called Nevaile Etyang and I am seeking for your salvation because I am suffering a lot .I'm just pleading that you have kindness on me also and I'm faithful I'll be delivered. Thank you so much.
Please prophet of God I am seeking for your salvation because I am suffering a lot .I'm just pleading that you have kindness on me also and I'm faithful I'll be delivered. Thank you so much.
Hi prophet and man of God am in need of prayers my life has stagnated for long nothing is moving I need to progress break the chains of stagnation Also someone is sick suffering from cancer of the breast in stage four she is in dire need your annoited prayers to get her healing and God...
chains of stagnation
country: kenya
dire need
hi prophet
intervention emma
sick suffering
Please I need Prophet to deliver me from the curse of stagnation limitation familiar spirit marine spirit and spirit that take away my joy please help me am one of child that believe in you thank you for hearing from you God bless you.
I have problem with my all family we are living a very miserable life my brothers they don't have jobs they only changed into drunkards also myself iam trying my best to work hard but I don't prosper. I need prayers from you prophet to deliver me and my family to change this life and leave...
Prophet,I am a student ,animesh Adhikary from West bengal ,trying for govt job .this month our NCl declared result of my exam I am in waiting list 7th number .my documents verification will be held Singrauli from 14 Dec to 18 Dec ...then they wil declare final result .please pray for my job.
7th number
country: india
documents verification
final result
govt job
student animesh adhikary
waiting list
west bengal
prophet am veronica am going to have my final examination next week please pray for me to be the best Man of God pray for me for my pregency journey to be sucessful,pray also for my left leg is swollen Man of God pray for my fiance hillary for his visa to come next week on saturday for him to go...
Hello prophet tb Joshua! Father pray for my relationship with Florence chalwe because she has becoming cold on me,I have hurt her a lot and so many times.I want Lord to fill all the hurts things I have done to her and we start new memory together because will see what the Lord has estored 2020...