Ho Lord, my visa must be accepted. My proof of found is accepted. I must receive favour of Visa office in Jesus name. Amen Money to pay for my proof of found for this month must erupt now now now. Amen 🔥 Amen 🔥 Amen 🔥
Help me pray to God that my Visa will not be rejected, it should be earlier than expected. And the Lord should provide for me to pay for my proof of found
Jesus please let the company that owes me a refund honor it. I have the proof and they are still not acknowledging it. This is so stressful. It is too hot and I have too much other stress. Please just let them waive the fee. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let the payment clear the bank that I have been waiting on for a while now. I don't know what the problem is and the company I made the payment to is no help. Please also let my son realize he can't stay up so late and do well on his karate today and there not be any bad weather...
Jesus please let the payment that I made clear I am worried I did it wrong and if I did I will be hit with late fees or returned bank fees. Please also let the company write me back, and the other situation with a proof of payment being mailed out to me be resolved as well. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please help my husband he is depressed about a personal matter. Please help him be ok about it and figure out a solution. Please also let my son get more rest and sleep better. Please let me get proof of payment for a large bill. Thank you Jesus, Amen..
Help to sleep please was so tired earlier.Please Have this food tray come out good and fresh to it's destination and they enjoy it and cooperate and sign the important papers for proof of witnessing the damage done to myLord of
Please pray for a tool I am working with at work to get approved. I have been working with it for almost a year in a proof-of-concept arrangement. I really need for the contract to be signed, so I can continue to do my work with quality. We are suddenly under great scrutiny for every item we...
Stop this security system from going off in the middle of the night and whatever is triggering it im so tired and need to concentrate on all this and this filed and pictures and notes that will help as my proof of harassment, going forward that I get all the legal help in all this and heal me...
Lord please bring me your mighty peace Favor and Strength Now and God protect us with your mighty protecting Blood from these very evil and wicked neighbors that have been attacking us for many years with sharp objects we captured all the proof. This must Stop now with 61 convict him to get...
As usual, my hopes, dreams, prayers & beliefs will be forever unfulfilled and forever broken. My spirit is fully broken and I can safely say I will never ask God for anything ever again given the proof that I am not worth His time to aid my dreams into reality.
God deal with my cheating n lying wife (A) , she has been Terrible to me , she has been ruthless to me , I have proof of all her lies , I’m just sick and tired of her lies . Jesus please turn the tables , lord pls help me , please .
God May work be ok , May Rhon be good with me . Jesus I need a solution in my life , my wife is a con artist, she lies , I think she has betrayed me , but I have no proof . Lord give me justice.
Jesus I don't even know if my husband still has a job at this point. Something is not adding up and he is lying to me I know because I have proof but he is still denying it. I need to and deserve to know the truth. Please let my son do well at school today and do what he is supposed to..Please...
Prayer request for crazy lady thinking people taking pictures, recording her kid when they aren't. They have proof, have pictures proof of their phone calls and calls to family. Prayer requests she leaves those of color in neighborhood alone.