My workplace isn't good since layoffs going on for over a year. They say we are in the clear for now but layoffs will go on next few years. Everyone is in selfish mode. I, along with many others, am no longer motivated. It takes forever to projects done because they depend on others who have...
Jesus please do not let the landlord come by today and let the inspection not be this week, or at least later in the week. Please also let my husband help me clean and my son do his projects and work. Please also help me get organized and feel better. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Lord Jesus you said in Ephesians 6:12 that we not fighting against fresh and blood but the evil, evil , evil in this world are hindering my projects , development, bringing sickness, hetred,jeousy,,by the power of the holy Ghost should cast out in Jesus mighty name Amen.
Pray God directs my steps today and gives me energy to do things and serve God well! Help me be ready for marriage! Bless and protect Carol. Lead her in her dating and projects that serve God.
Please pray for me, I need the divine favour of God for a house in the coastal region, a financial breakthrough to start my projects, a laptop and a car. May God provides all my needs. Pray that God silence the mouth of the wicked and expose Nalini, Savitree, Bippin and all those who practice...
In the Powerful Name of Jesus please pray for me I'm asking God for a godly husband, a house and a financial breakthrough for my projects. Pray that God gives me wisdom, guidance, peace, understanding and joy. May all bad dreams, evil bondages and curses on my life be broken in Jesus Name. Pray...
Pray that I received a financial blessing to start my projects, I need a car and a house. Pray for Chevany 's partner he is still missing, may God shows where he is. Forgive them God, have mercy, give them repentance and deliverance. Expose all the wickedness of Savitree, Bippin, Vikram, Pravin...
Heal me lord and help these projects come out good and if your will I’ll be able to sell also at this church event that it be successful in Your mighty Blood and power let your perfect will be done in all this Amen.
Need immediate. prayer --overwhelmed with health and financial issues. I need a job so I can pay for mounting medical bills. My health is very poor, and I need to work from home --I have been looking for a job or paying projects since June. Thank You for praying that I will have the peace of God...
Jesus please help my son today at school with his tests and presentations and projects. Please let me stop putting my stress onto everyone else and getting so upset. Please let his stomach be ok and no problems. Let his teachers be nice to him. Let him remember he has to take his history test...
Please pray for me i need Guidance, understanding, wisdom for my projects. Need the divine favor of God for a financial breakthrough and a house on the coastal region. Deliverance and Salvation for Varuna, Suneil, Vanushka, Natasha, Nalini, Manoj, Ashley and Elischa. Good health and protection...
Please pray with me the Lord heals bad swelling feet and ankles with healing rest and able to wake earlier healed and ready to complete these projects asap. My Lord bless and protect us all Amen
Heal stomach area please Lord and all that ails me and stop all itching and thank you for the blessed day and help with all these projects to get done in time for this big event and get all the help and cooperation soon and all comes out Well Praises Amen.
Healing of swollen ankles in this heat in almost winter, hot in the day but cold at night, please help with these projects and rest soon and appointments go well this day and blessed weekend for us all and close ones also and protection for us on the road and get all the help lord amen
Heal and bring Your mighty strength wisdom and guidance and cease all itching and help in these projects bless and us all, help protect and have us all stay focused on You, amen