
  1. Sparklee

    Please pray Lord grant joy and favor ...

    Please pray Lord grant joy and favor plus ability to have stamina, determination, and grit to make it through stress and negativity. Please Lord grant favor and productivity please may we accomplish tasks, tithing, order and organization increase Please pray Lord grant opportunity to encourage...
  2. natasha2

    Godly husband, productivity

    Please pray for godly husband for me. I am 50. Pray for organized life, home, work. Pray for high effectivness and productivity in any area. Peace and joy, faith for husband.
  3. Sparklee

    Please pray Lord grant joy and favor ...

    Please pray Lord grant joy and favor plus ability to have stamina, determination, and grit to make it through stress and negativity. Please Lord grant productivity please may we accomplish tasks, tithing, order and organization increase Please pray Lord grant opportunity to encourage, help...
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