Good morning Prophet TB Joshua good morning prayer member please help me in prayer your prayer is working for me I'm in prison for 3 years but since you start praying for me I'm getting good news thank you for helping me in prayer I believe very soon I will be out of prison thank you may God...
good morning Prophet TB Joshua good morning prayer member please I need your prayer I'm in prison for 3 years now the Court want to give me fine next week please prayer for me to get it in Jesus name and be free in Jesus name not to go back to my sin in Jesus name amen
good afternoon Prophet TB Joshua good afternoon prayer member please I need your prayer I'm in prison for 3 years now the Court want to give me fine next week please prayer for me to get it in Jesus name and be free in Jesus name not to go back to my sin in Jesus name amen
Pray in the name of Jesus Christ. My girlfriend father anup lakra who is in prison for last 2 weeks would get bail as soon as possible so that he would live a happy and healthy new life with his family. All the problem should be removed. Amen
I ask you all to please continue to pray for me and my upcoming court date. I know I’ve asked this a lot and I don’t believe that you can pray too much. Please pray that I get to stay home with my baby and husband and they don’t send me to prison. I have a past but I I have changed a lot in the...
Pray in the name of Jesus Christ. My girlfriend father anup lakra who is in prison for last 12 days should get bail as soon as possible so that he would live a happy and prosperous new life with his family. Amen
Good morning Prophet TB Joshua good morning prayer member I'm in prison for 3 years now the Court decided to give me a bailout from the prison please I need your prayer. To be out of prison next month I know God will never fail me I know God of prophet TB Joshua never fail Jesus Christ never say...
O lord, my prayer request for today help me locate where they kept empty contain my husband company load since August last year, we have not seen the drive no the empty contain, now the importer want to take my husband to prison, please God help me locate where ever the contain is, God of NSPPD...
good morning people of God good morning Prophet TB Joshua good morning prayer member please I need your prayer this new month is my freedom in prison please help me to pray to get my freedom the court have decided to give me a bail help to play to get it in Jesus name🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
good money Prophet TB Joshua good morning prayer member please I need your prayer I'm in prison for 3 years now the court of appeal and my court the decided to give me fine please pray for me for my freedom this new month
Urgent please pray for Joseph soon to be 3 he’s a foster child hoping to be adopted a 20 half brother been in the prison is out pray he will not come around pray the way will be paved for Joseph to be adopted by Lee Ann and Brian please please please pray. Thank you Cheryl
Pray in the name of Jesus Christ. My girlfriend father anup lakra who is in prison for last 11 days for a case in which hi was involved and I want that he would get bail as soon as possible and live a happy life with his family. Amen
In the name of Jesus Christ I want to pray for my girlfriend father anup lakra who is in prison for last 10 days and I wish that he would get bail as soon as possible and live a happy and save life with his family. Amen
good evening. Member good evening people of God good evening Prophet TB Joshua please I need your prayers I'm in prison for 3 years now. Please help me in prayer they want to bring the bail for us please pray for me to get part of it in Jesus name please help me in prayer I know your God can do...
good morning Prophet TB Joshua good morning people of God I'm in prison for three years now I have faith that's if you pray for me in Jesus name the bail they want to give me for freedom I will get it by faith please pray for me I know god of Prophet TB Joshua will help me in Jesus name amen
Good morning people of God good morning Prophet TB Joshua please I need your prayers I'm in prison for three years now the court are talking about my bail to give me a bail please pray for me to get the bail in Jesus name thank you sir Prophet TB Joshua
Man of God pray for my bro Ndwane samuel who is in prison for now 10 months . money man of God worth 1000,000,000 so that i can also contribut towads the contruction of his house and to help my parents man of God pleas help mi am read to testfy for the Gid ness of God am waiting for my third day...
please prayer member pray for me I'm in prison for three years please pray for me to get my freedom because court of appeal. they are talking I bought my Bail please help me to pray to get it in Jesus name I know God off prophet TB Joshua can do it for me in jesus name amen
good morning Prophet TB Joshua I Want You To Pray For Me sir I am in prison for 3 years I want God to forgive me my sin and set me free from this prison they are talking about my freedom I want god to help me and get the my freedom I know your God can do it for me please help me prayer I don't...