
  1. Steven Bobb

    I ;live in the States, and we ...

    I ;ive in the states, and we used to have laws against treason. Well now we have a "president?" who wants to give $450,000 to ILLEGAL aliens, while turning down more stimulus checks and other aid to Americans who live here.I say he should be tried for treason.
  2. Anonymous

    I want to grow closer to God ...

    I want to grow closer to God Help with my drug addiction and protection over me and my beautiful daughter lives Prayer for Tina and Craig give them strength Prayer for our government and country and our president prayer for Chiquita and her family that they stop bickering about nonsense and love...
  3. Anonymous

    I want to grow closer to God ...

    I want to grow closer to God Help with my drug addiction and protection over me and my beautiful daughter lives Prayer for Tina and Craig give them strength Prayer for our government and country and our president prayer for Chiquita and her family that they stop bickering about nonsense and love...
  4. Terisard

    202110291156..Prayer requests for the President of the ...

    202110291156..Prayer requests for the President of the United States of America, as Pope Francis has authorized the President to continue. taking of the Sacrament. The Pope is a very wise man. I was going to suggest, that if it was the Sacrament of Reconciliation that the President needed, I...
  5. Steven Bobb

    I live in America and I ...

    I live in America and I don't like what our president and his party are doing with their "beliefs.", and putting their "beliefs" into action even though some of the rest of don't see it that way. I knew it would be this way, despite his pledges for "unity.".
  6. Kolossarites

    Please continue to pray for healing from ...

    Please continue to pray for healing from severe anxiety and depression. Was president medication today but fear taking it. I’ve only relied on the Lord and I need Him to show up for me.
  7. Steven Bobb

    We have a president in my country ...

    We have a president in my country who is sending our country to hell in a handbasket.Need help in the 2 1/2 years he has left.
  8. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let the vaccine mandates go ...

    Jesus please let the vaccine mandates go away, please let WH get sued and President impeached. He is horrible and he has to go! Please help my son at school and him he safe and not lose anything and remember to turn in everything. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  9. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let this pathetic excuse of ...

    Jesus please let this pathetic excuse of a president resign or get impeached. Please let my son finish his homework. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  10. Steven Bobb

    Hello from the dictatorship country of America.We ...

    Hello from the dictatorship country of America.We have a president here who is opinionated about his beliefs and is trying to FORCE the rest of us to go along.That those of us who see it differently and have our own convictions bear us in these times
  11. Steven Bobb

    Here in the U.S., we have a ...

    Here in the U.S., we have a president who backs all the worldly causes, {the ones that are not in sync with Bible causes}and in his misguided state passionately believes in them, and gives his own very biased viewpoints on them,which to the ones who don't see it that way , it makes them...
  12. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please help me sleep. Please help ...

    Jesus please help me sleep. Please help my son at school today remember everything. Please let Joe Biden resign and Donald Trump come back as President and please let Gavin Newsome be voted out of office and help Larry Elder as they are persecuting him and he seems like a nice man. Thank you...
  13. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my husband be ok ...

    Jesus please let my husband be ok at his job and I am sorry about our argument. I wish he would text me back. I just don't understand why he feels the need to act like someone else. I just want him to be more mature and care about me and my feelings. Why can't he do that? Please also help the...
  14. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my husband's job be ...

    Jesus please let my husband's job be ok. He could not get up to go to work tonight he is absolutely exhausted. I can't even wake him. Please let him be ok. Please also help these poor people in Afghanistan. Let our President have a heart. He needs to step aside and let someone else do the job...
  15. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my husband get sleep. ...

    Jesus please let my husband get sleep. He has to go to work. Please also let our President resign. He is destroying our country and the world. Please help me deal with the school. I can't handle all the stress of how ignorantly they are treating the parents and students. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  16. Anonymous

    Please pray for all Americans and those ...

    Please pray for all Americans and those who helped our troops to be able to get out of this horrible situation and IMPEACH BIDEN HE IS NOT FIT TO BE OUR PRESIDENT WITH THIS MESS HE HAS MADE IN JESUS HOLY NAME. HE HAS PUT AMERICA IN A TERRIBLE POSITION ON OUR OWN BORDER AND IN THE MIDDLE EAST.
  17. Anonymous

    Peace Father and protection, don’t let this ...

    Peace Father and protection, don’t let this president take anything away from us.Restore us to the full Lord incl head body to toe, full head of hair better than any wig and no surgery in or out of my body. You are the great physician, amen
  18. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my rash clear up ...

    Jesus please let my rash clear up and please let me figure out what is triggering it. Please let my package ship out and please let the pandemic stop and the problems are president keeps creating stop. He needs a serious wake up call and should not even be in office. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  19. Sweta Jennifer kujur

    I m praying for the citizens of ...

    I m praying for the citizens of Afghanistan. Taliban has taken over, their president has fleed, US has retreated. The Afghans cilvilians are in terror. It will take a miracle to bring peace n diplomacy in their country. Please Lord please help them
  20. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my son's appetite decrease ...

    Jesus please let my son's appetite decrease and him want to exercise and do more stuff other than the computer. Please help our President (of US). He is a mess and destroying our country. Please let him and everyone in his party realize how idiotic and evil they are being and change the way they...
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