
  1. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let my husband find a ...

    Jesus please let my husband find a job. Please let the situation with my son's teacher smooth over, and don't let him take out on my son the fact that I complained about his transgender art. I am sorry I have a problem with that, I just do, and I had to say something. Now I look like a bad...
  2. Anonymous

    EMERGENCY PRAYER 🙏 🙏 Please Pray for ...

    EMERGENCY PRAYER 🙏 🙏 Please Pray for PRESIDENT TRUMP Stand in agreement 🙏
  3. Anonymous

    EMERGENCY PRAYER 🙏 🙏 Please Pray for ...

    EMERGENCY PRAYER 🙏 🙏 Please Pray for PRESIDENT TRUMP Stand in agreement 🙏
  4. Intercessor

    Thank You for President Trump (1 Tim 2:1-5)

    Father, thank you for a President that elects Supreme Court Justices that understand “Thou shalt not kill,” supports Israel, Free Speech, and Freedom of Thought & Religion. Help “christianettes” know the difference between a pastor and a president. Stop the media from suppressing the scandals of...
  5. Bagourim

    Pray for this election!! And our president!

    Pray for this election!! And our president!
  6. hmccord

    Dear Lord, thank you for your goodness. ...

    Dear Lord, thank you for your goodness. I pray for good rest, for justice and wisdom and favor for our President, and protection over my property.
  7. Anonymous

    Pray for President Trump.🙏🙏

    Pray for President Trump.🙏🙏
  8. Intercessor

    Thank You for President Trump (1 Tim 2:1-5)

    Father, thank you for a President that elects Supr Court Justices that understand “Thou shalt not kill,” supports Israel, Free Speech, and Freedom and know the difference between voting for a pastor and a president. Stop the media from suppressing the scandals of one candidate while magnifying...
  9. The Encourager

    Pray For Healing In The USA

    Pray for healing in our nation, the USA. The election is done and they are counting the votes. This Nation needs healing and healing means this Nation must change no matter who becomes President.
  10. hmccord

    Dear Lord, thank you for your goodness. ...

    Dear Lord, thank you for your goodness. I pray for good rest and favor for our President in this election. Lord we need you more than ever to take on the fraud and deceit all over.
  11. Kusorlik

    I need to pray that President Trump ...

    I need to pray that President Trump winds and bring God back into our country ASAP!! Please Lord hear my plea!! I ask this in your name Lord Jesus Amen
  12. Anonymous

    Please pray for our president to remain ...

    Please pray for our president to remain in office 🙏
  13. BlessedChristian female

    Dear God please expose all fraud and ...

    Dear God please expose all fraud for all to see and expose cheating in the US election. Protect our free and fair election from evil plans!! Turn all evil plans against the planner! Re-Elect President Trump. In Jesus name we pray Amen
  14. hmccord

    Dear Lord, thank you for your goodness. ...

    Dear Lord, thank you for your goodness. I pray for good rest, for protection over my property, and for favor and wisdom for our President.
  15. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let our President win. The ...

    Jesus please let our President win. The Democrats are trying to cheat, they aren't letting our President get the states that he has clearly won. Please let them stop cheating and do things right. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  16. Intercessor

    Thank You for The President

    Father, thank you for a President that elects Supreme Court Justices that understand “Thou shalt not kill,” supports Israel, Free Speech, and Freedom and know the difference between voting for a pastor and a president. Stop the media from suppressing the scandals of one candidate while...
  17. unbreakable1

    A dream I had

    I had a dream years ago before Trump was nominated for president. In my dream I saw a stage and the spotlight was on a man, that man was the Antichrist. He was a male but had a female face like Hillary Clinton’s. He had an evil smirk. I am sharing it because I discovered a YouTuber that had a...
  18. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let our President win!!! He ...

    Jesus please let our President win!!! He deserves it. Joe Biden cannot win and also we need the Senate and House of Representatives to be Republican. Please also let husband's car get fixed tomorrow and the company pay since they promised. Please also let my husband find a job. Thank you Jesus...
  19. Jillsaint


    Please pray for our president! May God lift him up.
  20. BlessedChristian female

    Elect the US President who will help ...

    Elect the US President who will help everyone prosper. Please pray For direction and favor on this career opportunity and increase my income 7x and job satisfaction! Direct me on days to stay with my Aunt or not. Help me do a dry fast to improve health and lose belly fat! Help me love my guest...
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