president trump

  1. alg

    Please pray for truth and justice be ...

    Please pray for truth and justice be revealed in all facets of life . It's disheartening to see so much cheating and lies everywhere. There are times when it is nice to see justice here on earth too. Please continue to pray for president Trump 🙏 this is not a political statement it is my prayer...
  2. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus thank you so much for me ...

    Jesus thank you so much for me getting everything done that I needed to today, and my husband feeling a little bit better. But he still has not found a job, and needs to do a video interview tomorrow. Please let him have the energy and initiative to do so. Thank you as well for the bill that I...
  3. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let the payment that I ...

    Jesus please let the payment that I am waiting on be paid this week. Please let my husband find a job, and the landlord give us more time, and let me hear back from his assistant. Please also let my husband help clean this week, including our attic, it is terrible. Please let President Trump's...
  4. Brother James

    Our Presidential Elections for the US Are Not Over

    I really don't believe that everyone has seen all of the wonderful things that Jesus has done through President Trump nor do I believe that it is over at all my friends. Here are just a few of the videos I have seen... There is quite a lot more! I don't...
  5. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please help let the fraud be ...

    Jesus please help let the fraud be proven with this election and President Trump keep fighting it. His lawyers withdrew in one state most likely because they were threatened please let him find other ones and continue the fight. Please let my son behave and pay attention online school . Please...
  6. Tonliage

    I am requesting prayer for the final ...

    I am requesting prayer for the final outcome of the US election. I am praying that President Trump stays in office for four more years specifically for the conservative and a Christian values he has helped to protect. I am praying that the big tech companies, the elite media and the communistic...
  7. dcrandjr

    Please pray that the investigation for fraud ...

    Please pray that the investigation for fraud and cheating can continue to go well and that President Trump is confirmed winner of the election. Thank you. God bless.
  8. Anonymous

    President Trump, Mike Pence, William Barr, Dept of Justice & Supreme Court

    God, thank you for President Trump and what his platform stands for as it relates to freedom, the gospel, ending abortion, and resisting Communism. Strengthen William Barr, the Supreme Court and the legal team. Do not allow fraudulent election results to pass as truth in The United Stated
  9. Brother James

    Would You Like Real News or Fake News?

    I don't know why we as CHRISTIANS desire to know anything that is not absolute TRUTH. Why can't we ignore our mainstream media (even shut it off if we have to) who report lies to us and only listen to TRUTH? Yes, President Trump is and was not perfect unto our LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST! I...
  10. dcrandjr

    Please pray that this investigation uncovers all ...

    Please pray that this investigation uncovers all of the cheating in the election and President Trump is confirmed the winner. Thank you. God bless.
  11. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please show your presence in this ...

    Jesus please show your presence in this election and let the truth came out and our President (Trump) be declared the rightful winner. Please let Joe Biden and the media stop pushing him into the Presidency without anything being verified yet. Let more and more people come forward (give them the...
  12. Anonymous

    President Trump, Legal Team & Election Fraud

    God, thank you for President Trump and what his platform stands for as it relates to freedom, the gospel, ending abortion, and resisting Communism. Strengthen William Barr, the Supreme Court and the legal team. Do not allow fraudulent election results to pass as truth in The United Stated
  13. dcrandjr

    Please pray for the investigation for fraud ...

    Please pray for the investigation for fraud and cheating in the election and that President Trump can be declared the winner. If not for the cheating the election would have been over on Tuesday because President Trump was the winner without a doubt. Thank you. God bless.
  14. alg

    Praying for our president Trump and honesty ...

    Praying for our president Trump and honesty and truth for all. I'm so frustrated about seeing people gain through cheating and deceit. Not just politically but all facets of life. Where is the accountability??? We should lower our flags to half mast and stand in unison peacefully as this...
  15. dcrandjr

    Please pray for safety, strength and wisdom ...

    Please pray for safety, strength and wisdom for all of the people working to uncover the fraudulence and cheating in the election, so that everything can be made right. Then President Trump will be declared the winner because he did win the election. Thank you. God bless.
  16. dcrandjr

    Please pray that all of this fraud ...

    Please pray that all of this fraud is uncovered and that President Trump is declared the winner. If President Trump loses we will all suffer because the Dems will destroy our great country. Thank you. God bless.
  17. alg

    Please pray for president Trump. There's a ...

    Please pray for president Trump. There's a petition on that is getting signatures to recount the vote in key states. Please pray 🙏🙏🙏🙏 and sign the petition
  18. Anonymous


  19. Anonymous


  20. dcrandjr

    Please pray that President Trump doesn't give ...

    Please pray that President Trump doesn't give up and takes this to the Supreme Court if he needs to. He didn't lose this election, the Dems cheated. Thank you. God bless.
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