Thank you Heavenly Father for all you’ve done for me and my family. Thank you for this day. I pray for deliverance and peace from the evil attacks that are happening right now. Please grant me peace Lord Jesus.
I also pray for better concentration at work and no more silly mistakes.
Thank you Heavenly Father for all you do for all of us. Thank you for guiding and protecting us, Thank you for waking us up each morning. I pray for deliverance and healing from evil attacks. I pray Father to some day know what it is to be at peace again.
I also pray for rest with out any evil...
Thank you Heavenly Father for your word. Thank you for your guidance and protection. I pray for deliverance from attacks, and wisdom with where to go for help. I think I am close to figuring out the feeling of electric current that happens in certain areas of my body.
I also pray for peaceful...
Thank you Heavenly Father for this day and for all you’ve done for me and my family. I pray for peace and deliverance from evil attacks. Please Father I pray that you cover me with your mercy and grace.
Please also allow me to rest Father without evil sounds.
I love you so much my Lord. I...
Thank you Heavenly Father for for your guidance and protection. Please free me Lord Jesus from the evils in the spiritual world if that’s where they are. Please have mercy on me Father.
I also pray for rest without the evil attacks.
I love you so much my Lord. In your precious name I pray. Amen
Heavenly Father thank you so much for hearing our prayers and for all you’ve done for me and my family. I pray for deliverance from the evil that constantly harass me. I pray for your mercy and your grace Father. I also pray the same for my co-workers. They are all very kind God-fearing people...
Thank you Heavenly Father for all you’ve done for me and my family. I pray Father for your continued guidance and protection. I pray for your mercy and grace to please help me get rid of evil attacks. Please have mercy on me Father. Please grant me peace Father.
I also pray to be able to Rest...
Thank you thank you thank you Heavenly Father for all you’ve done for me. Thank you for your divine presence. Thank you for the Holy Spirit. Thank you for this awesome platform where many come to pray. You are so awesome Father. Your amazing grace reigns. There is none like you Lord Jesus. I...
Thank you Heavenly Father for all you’ve done for me and my family. Thank you also dear Father for hearing my prayers. Please Father my Savior remove the evil attacks as I hold on to the wooden cross like what happened two nights ago. The attacks just went away as I held that cross.
Thank you Father for all you’ve done for me and my family. Praying for help Father with these evil attacks. Please deliver me from this Father. Please fill me with the Holy Spirit and grant me peace my Lord.
Also please allow me to rest with out the evil sounds.
I love you so much my Lord...
Thank you Father for this day and all you’ve done for me and my family. I pray for peace and deliverance from evil attacks. I may decide to see the priest who will pray with me Father. I pray Psalm 91 of protection. Please Father allow the Holy Spirit to protect me.
Please also allow me to rest...
Dearest Heavenly Father, I thank you for all you’ve done for me. Thank you for every single blessing. Please please Father protect me and my home and loved ones from this evil. I pray for peace and deliverance from constant attacks. My Lord I take refuge in you and know that only you can offer...
Dearest Heavenly Father, I thank you for all you’ve done for me. Thank you for every single blessing. I pray for peace and deliverance from evil attacks. My Lord I take refuge in you and know that only you can deliver me from this evil. Please forgive me for my sins Father.
I also pray for my...
I want to get married to the person I love. Things were better till Friday and now my family says no. God I always wanted to have a strong and healthy and long lasting relationship. Please let my family accept this. Two weeks ago they were saying yes and now it is a no. I don’t want to disturb...
Dearest Heavenly Father, I thank you for all you’ve done for me. Thank you for every single blessing. I pray for peace and deliverance from evil attacks. I take refuge in you Father. I pray for my loved ones.
Please keep SM safe on the road. And keep K safe as she walks home from work.
Thank you Heavenly Father so much for this day. Thank you for every single blessing. You are so amazing God. I praise your holy name.
I pray Father for the pain in my chest to leave. I pray for deliverance from evil attacks. I love you so much my Lord and I take refuge in you. Thank you for...
Dearest Heavenly Father, I thank you for all you’ve done for me. Thank you for every single blessing. I pray for peace and deliverance from evil attacks. I pray for my loved ones. I take refuge in you Father.
Please keep SM safe on the road. And keep K safe as she walks home from work.
I also...
I pray Jess and seb and their baby will be protected find blessings miracles and breakthroughs happiness today in the precious name of Jesus I pray Dan will be cured from his hangover now because alcohol destroys serotonin and is a depressant alcohol should be drunk responsibly