Please play for my sick bedliden brother his name is misheck chansa.he had two abominal operations last year the last one was in June and upto now he is sick please help in prayes
Hi I need a prayed for financial breakthrough and I’m in need of work, also I’m waiting for my funding from Buffalo city TVet College to complete my Diploma in Financial Management and I submitted my Cv to Human Settlement position for procurement. All my relationships has failed all man I met...
anointing water
buffalo city tvet college
country: south africa
east london
financial breakthrough
financial management
human settlement position
south africa
give me self confidence for annoucement. this prayere is for my job i m feeling very nurvous for announcement i have to do annoucement on tomorrow pls give me confidence for it and i love my husbnd so much. so pls strong our bonding more i cnt live without him dont leave him from me i love him...
give me self confidence for annoucement. this prayere is for my job i m feeling very nurvous for announcement i have to do annoucement on tomorrow pls give me confidence for it and i love my husbnd so much. so pls strong our bonding more i cnt live without him dont leave him from me i love him...
#PrayerChallenge Good morning please help me to pray there is some money that is stuck somewhere please help me to pray so that I can get the money pay my bills and also to pay for my son University fees. God bless you all
Anal cancer bawasir hiv bussiness lost femily lost preyer lost pavitra aatama samarth lost money lost body lost susamachar lost sevkai lost please pre for me
My brother 8n the US is an amputee and since last year after he amputated his second leg due to diabetes he,has been in rehab. Now the doctors are saying he caught covid and has,given up on him he is in ICU as we speak with high fever and is asking to die. Please lift him in prqyer
My name is Tushar M from India Praise the Lord My Preyar request is I had lust addiction from many year my stumok thair was tumor my family not grow in God m job less my wife having skin problems from many years Pz Man of God pray for me
Please I beg you all to pray with me for my healing. I’m dying day by day and I need to live as I am my mothers care taker. I’m still getting up and going to work feeling all sick because I have no choice and it’s what’s keeping my mind away from things. Please I’m begging you all to take 2...
Man of God. Prays to God. My name is Ronald Silvester and i am from Tanzania. I am here to seek you to pray for me through the Name of Jesus Christ. I have been sick for so long deep pain in my heart and all of my left side of my body . Please pray for me Man of God. I need to be healed through...
My preyed request, please pray for me for the fruit of the womb, my husband has low sperm counts,,stable marriage and permanent job Amen Am jemimah from kenya