I have a relationship with a guy, but I did some hurtful things. I have repented and apologized. I really need God to intervene. He is very cautious and he isn’t talking to me. I would like for him to rekindle his emotional attachment and to realize in his heart that he can trust me. I am...
Hello church,my name is Asha Rani, i live in London Ilford, id like a lay hand prayer because i finally passed my theory test after 3 years and now im at the last stage to do the practical but when i try to apply for a driving test, it does not show any dates for it. So please pray for me that i...
asha rani
beautiful car
country: united kingdom
driving test
jesus christ
last stage
lay hand
london ilford
theory test
Hello pastor praise the lord My name is Deepak Kumar I am from india I am suffering from two major diseases 1. Head pain diseases 2. Food pipe ulcer Please please please frayer for me
This is a reminder to my lrayer request. My wife along with her sister came to Hyderabad and not visited children. My wife is under the influence of her sister. Trying for transfer.. request brother to pray for us and to stop all their plans of moving away from family
I signed an offer to purchase in December 2021 because I found a buyer for my enherited house after a long wait. It normally takes 6-8 weeks for the money from the sale to be transferred to the buyer but 5months later the attorneys office is telling us it takes a bit longer when it's an estate...
Payer for wedding day (health and no unneccessary rules) God please bless our wedding. There is so much uncertainty because of Corona and the health of us and our families. Bless our wedding day and the health of my fiance. Lord you can do all wonders, let us have one on this day.
My name is Parveen Kumar toora I m from bopa Rai Kalan tehsil nakodar distt Jalandhar my pryer request is blessing visa .last 6year I had tried but every time I got refusal
My name is Eleanor. I request for praye for me and my children. Ethan Keanan and Parker. I am going through a difficult time everything is going wrong in my life
My praye request id healing from Severe Migraine Headache Job(Contract renewal from my current employer) Financial brakthrough my kids to excel in their studies
Please pary to god to answer my paryer my both sons bad befavor and also myhusband my husband is very bad man and angar unforgiveness and also my son they are angar hestret mobile game late sleeping and roming why this happening in my life and all sickness and my son meckwin not studying he dont...
Day by day there is no peace what shall ido for my sons and my husband when jesus answer my Paryer day and night iam parying my son meckwin is not talking all heatret angar bad words please pary for my both sons and my husband may lord help me to pary and give joy and peace
Today my rescued cat named Luke passed away. He started having problems yesterday and declined rapidly. The veterinarian said he was not making red blood cells, that it was due to old age, and sent him home to live out the rest of the cat's time. The cat was deceased about five hours later. Luke...