Heavenly pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and pls forgive me of all sins. Pls help me so I will never compare me to the ppl I work with at the workplace and so I will never have me higher than them. So i will never be thinking of them while at the house and while I walk to the house...
Heavenly pls help me to remain faithful and pls remove and set me free from all perversion and pls so I will not be interested in girls anymore at all and so I will never think of or chase after anyone or anything. So I will be free from all negativity and all sins and all evil and walking in...
Heavenly pls save all those that r not saved. Pls so I will have money to change my name or I should wait till I relocate back to east coast. Pls bless all ppl on this site and their prayers and families. Pls be with me this night. So will be saved from all spiritual attacks. Amen.
Heavenly pls help me so I will not chase after or think of anyone . Pls help me so I will not compare myself to anyone. So I will never be having Any intrusive thoughts.. And so I will not be like the ppl in TX. And so I will keep to myself. And do the things that pleases u. Amen.
Heavenly pls help me so i will stay strong and keep to myself and never compare me self to anyone else. So i will not become like the ppl here in tx. So i could have enough money and leave tx asap. Amen.
Heavenly pls so I will stop chasing after ppl and ppl in my past and not chase them or think of they or remember them anymore. Saved from all spiritual attacks. Pls help me to change in areas and aspects of life. And that I will find my greatest joy in u and never sin anymore. Amen.
So I will not pursue after ppl online anymore. So I will have a change of heart and a clear mind. And become a working professional. So I will receive money and move back to MA. Amen.
Heavenly pls help me so I will learn to not pursue after ppl. So I will remain totally concentrate on my work and so I will be able to make it to graduation. And that by next year I could leave TX and move back to MA and live there and work there. Amen.
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins. Pls so I will receive humility and be a more soft quiet person. Pls help me so I will never compare myself to anyone. And so I will move on from my past and not think of anyone there. So I will not chase after ppl. So I will seek u much more and find my joy...
Heavenly father I rededicate my life to u and I accept u as my Lord and Savior. Pls forgive me of all sins. Pls help me to repent of all sins so I will never look back to my past or return to it. Pls change my heart and so I will never be constantly thinking of ppl in my past. If I ever hurt...
Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins. Pls so I will never be looking out the window at ppl anymore. So next year I will move to Massachusetts and live and a better job. I will not pay any attention to the girls living around Me. So I could fully concentrate on my work.
Heavenly pls cleanse me and forgive me of all sins. Pls help me so I will never pay attention to those living around me. So I will learn to show love to ppl. So I will never repeat these sins in future.
Heavenly pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and pls forgive me of all sins. Pls help so I will never compare to ppl or think of anyone. So I will never repeat any sins. And be in right standing with u.
Heavenly I thank u this morning. Pls forgive me of all sins. Pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and all sins. Pls save all those that r not saved. Pls bless all those ppl requests on these site. Pls so that landlords at my new house will have me pay a lower few so I will have money to move my...
Heavenly pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and pls forgive me of all sins. Pls help me so I will stay strong at all times especially after I leave this city. So I will never pay any attention to any of the ppl living around me or in this city . So I will have sufficient money to pay 987.00...