The Builder has been paid all the amount was suppose to give possession by October but still not given numbers of requests sent to Drc have lost faith also bedridden past 16 months no relief
My older brother is selfish and does not care about us his younger siblings. He is trying to take possession of the property that belongs to the entire family. I need prayer that my brother Benedict will share what belongs to the entire family with his siblings like he is supposed to
My nephew Ricardo is a lawyer and he asked me to represent me in a very original case because it is on agricultural land that they do not give me and on which there may be problems with the government. In a while he is going to talk to a criminal lawyer who is going to support him. May God give...
Lord protect me my flat whole building whole area all my possession my dad finances benidirs savings everywhere I go always forever with your mighty mighty divine protections fire angels in jesus christ namess
Lord please please always prote t me flat I live whole building whole area I live my fiajces my benifitd my bank cards savings single whete I go possession my dad family with your mighty mighty divine protections angels fire always no weapons formed against me will prosper ever no weapons...
My car has been with the mechanic for 7 months and every time he tells me the car would be ready at such and such a time But every time another" problem" would arise. Please pray for my car to be 100% fixed and in my possession
Jesus did not have a home to live in. He had no bank account. He owened no car, truck, airplane or anything else that will tie in with earths possesion. He said. Love not the world, if you love the world the love of the Father is not in you. In our Sunday School lessons we saw clearly...
Please pray for me.. I’m trying to buy a house that has current tenants. These tenants have been given a 90 day notice and have been destroying the house. I’m so afraid they’re going to destroy it beyond my means to repair it before I take possession in November and that they will let my horses...
My brother-in-law took possession of my inheritance with threats to my life and vowed to die instead of vacating that portion of land.Chioma, Imo State.
Pray for me about my results am in the University know my results are missing and they made me fail in some of my courses which I believe I passed so tomorrow am going to school to verify what happened please help me pray against failer for failer is not my possession in Jesus name please help...
A prayer request for a miracle job and that wheresoever I shall step my feet in,I shall possess my possession. Prayer request for turnaround encounters in my life and that of my family.
Please pray I’m protected completely from my dad and he’s not able to affect my life in any way. Please pray I can make it clear legally that he’s not in possession of any information at all.
please pray about the EBT card as it is not in my possesion. It has my name on it and I have begun to buy food with my own money. This card is to help me. I cast my cares upon Jesus.
I & my brother and friend's booked flat's for the past nine years it was a politician s project we are only getting promise but not possession of flat's so please pray for All of us to get our flats we will be thankful praise the lord Sunil Shetty from Mumbai