
  1. Intercessor

    Advancement of Ethical Vaccines, Therapeutics and Modern Medicine

    We pray for ethical cures and vaccines to come forth by Your mercy. Grant miracles and protection of our scientists, lab workers, healthcare workers, management and investors used to help fund the research, trials & production. See vaccines through to manufacturing through distribution and...
  2. Terynoth

    Praise the Lord Everyone. I honour my ...

    Praise the Lord Everyone. I honour my Lord and Saviour who supersede everything. It's trying times!! alright. Yeah ,real troublesome times. We cannot make it on our own .There's a plague that is unleashed up the earth .This plague come with fear, anxiety and uncertainty. It has destabilize all...
  3. Virya

    Our Heavenly Father bless all of us ...

    Our Heavenly Father bless all of us and forgive our sins and short coming. God’s promise in Psalms 91:5-6 and 10 and Psalms 121:5-8. 5 You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday...
  4. Terynoth

    Not sleeping well at nights.

    Brothers and Sisters holy greetings. Thanks very much for agreeing with Me in prayers on stated topics. Our God is keen listener and no prayer will go unanswered. Since last week I am not sleeping accordingly meaning I am not getting enough sleep. This brings on head aches. Please pray...
  5. Virya

    Our Heavenly Father bless all of us ...

    Our Heavenly Father bless all of us and forgive our sins and short coming. God’s promise in Psalms 91:5-6 and 10 and Psalms 121:5-8. We take ownership of His promises in the current situations. Please pray for God’s blessing in our family and all of us. Amen 5 You will not fear the terror of...
  6. pounce

    Dear Jesus Please bless my mom's business. ...

    Dear Jesus Please bless my mom's business. Everything she has depends on the coronavirus going away. Please take this plague away from us. Please guide my brother to the right job. Please help me find happiness. Amen
  7. Numilal

    Holy Spirit free our country of the ...

    Holy Spirit free our country of the plague of the Coronavirus. Take it from our country so we do not lose any more people in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
  8. WomanofYahshua

    No evil shall befall you, Nor shall ...

    No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling Psl. 91:10 There shall be No more attacks against Your people from Your enemies and let every retaliation Fail my Lord! Heal us and Protect us and our Property now it is Covered with Your mighty Protecting Blood we give You...
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