Dear prophet Bijender Singh, I request you please pray for my brother. Where ever he went to work he never be successful in his work , his passbook is always empty .so many places went to look for the work but he was cheated or he was not happy in his work or salary. He is struggling in his...
I'm always being attacked by spiritual warefare whenever i go to sleep. Need JESUS hedge of protection to always come upon me whenever i am sleeping during the day & night. Need to build spiritual muscles everyday & also become spiritually bold & spiritually strong. & maintain spiritual boldness...
country: united states
day night need
need hedge of protection
spiritual boldness
spiritual muscles
spiritual strength
spiritual warfare
Please please all pray lord jesus photographes are so so very important to me they create memory you lord can do all things your word says ask and I will recieve I ask you please lord bless me please with alot alot better mobile phone in every way alot alot better camera mobile phone in every...
country: united kingdom
iron filters
videos selfies
way alot better camera mobile phone
way dresses clothes outfits
whatsapp videos
Halleluja, Children of God, please if sometimes idelay for my messages don't be offended because there are some places without a signal . please Children of God what do I do to meet Man of GOD tu get my Deliverance Heeling and break through and my life be safe? because as igot Job now the...
My customers{some more than others maybe} have been calling me for work at hours out of my normal working hours, like 8 or 9 at night, Sundays,or to go to the airport at 430 am.They don't seem to realize that I don't work 24/7.Even places that are open 24 hours a day, they work in "shifts", not...
Dear Almighty, bless me that i find a good job in wireless domain in Bangalore. I am trying at several places but no luck so far. Bless me and my family good health. Bless me and my family so that we show compassion to others in this trying times of COVID-19.
Dear God, Thank you for this day. Please forgive us for our sins and help us in the areas we need. I pray to hear back about the adjustment and places I applied to and that J will keep their word about what is owed. I pray that J has an encounter with you and will be saved. I pray also for...
Please pray for Eric my new friend in Idaho
who is trying to find me an apartment
that would take my rent subsidy...
So far he has went to 2 places
{ the first 2 places did not work out }
and he is on his way to a third as i write this...
Also Eric recommended another Pastor that he would...
I intend to let JESUS be the number one priority in my life & to put HIM first twenty four hours seven days a week in my cashier job & my fast food job & my college courses & my whole college & the other places in my life.
Morning saints I thank God by being able to be in this site again its been a whole.. my prayer request is.. we've been renting places for so long now we are in a place that we like I need you family to pray for me to be able to pay my debts so that I could be able to buy this house the Landlord...
I'm getting worried. I need money and need it now. I've got july 22 to get out of my trailer and no money to go else where. Wife left and still not come back. Took my car, so I walk most places, except my work is 16 miles one way from me. Can lose my house in ky cause of back taxes, around 3,500...
Praise report!!Against all odds, I had my little holiday foods, a hamburger and hotdog.The fact that places are closed on the holiday didn't stop me, coronavirus restrictions didn't stop me, my constant thorn in the side the busyness didn't stop me,even my usual pattern of something popping up...
Senior Prophet TB Joshua and Emmanuel TV Team .I have been having pain on my chest which radiate to the back and I have gone to so many places but to no avail for the past Three(3)years and I believe your God can heal me and this is my last bus stop
Lord photographes at so so very important to me I am.askinb you please lord bless make every part of me incredibly very very photogenic in every way now always in jesus name I ask you plesse please lord bless me pleass to.look incredibly totally beautiful geourgeous stunning radiaht sexy...
I’m praying that my friend and sister from another mother Rachael’s daughter Kimberly and her family will have time to visit my mom and I since they are leaving on Tuesday. They got here today. I know they are going hiking while they are here. Going two places.
Dear Lord, Please take away the coronavirus. I'm nervous it is going to get really bad in the Fall. So many places are doing better with the virus than the US. Please bless our fight. Give us the knowledge to find a vaccine and treatment. Please let it be done by the summer. Please let it become...
I command declare decree on jesus name all every single all particular things products items clothes under wear night wear streachy suits high neck tops dresses the very very best ever new foundations tinted mostruisers cosnetucs I desire bags jewlery whatever it Is I am.looking for desire ate...
country: united kingdom
good prices
great great abundance
makeup brands companies
moisturizers cosmetics desire bags jewelry
new foundations
particular things products items clothes underwear nightwear stretchy suits high neck tops
primark stores
Lord I ask you plesse please by your power bless and make all evdry single all.psrticuost things products items new very best ever new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers cosnetucs coithds bags high comfortable shoes wedges heels boots wharevervit is inam.looking for desire...
country: united kingdom
great great great abundance
great prices
makeup brands
makeup companies
new foundations new
new tinted moisturizers cosmetics coithds bags high comfortable shoes wedges heels boots
things products items new