Help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming. Help him see it's not healthy gaming. Help him find other hobbies and interests instead. Help him distance himself from jd.
Please help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming. Help him Spend time with family and friends and neighbors. Help him distance himself from jd.
Please help Devan communicate with jd. Help them bond. Help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming. Help him Spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead
Please help Devan communicate with jd. Help them bond. Help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming. Help him Spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead.
Please help pj spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming. Help him see it's not healthy. Help him distance himself from jd. Help him find other or new interests and hobbies
Please help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming. Help him see it's not healthy. Help him distance himself from jd. Help him Spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead.
Let pj see gaming isnt healthy and help him Spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming. Help him get off the computer. Help distance himself from jd.
Please help pj and jd distance them selfs from each other. Help pj spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming. Help him see it's not healthy. Help pj see his friendship with jd isn't healthy
Help pj spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming. Help him see it's not healthy. Help him distance himself from jd. Its the weekend help him do something with the kids and his girlfriend.
Please help pj and jd distance them selfs from each other. Everytime they communicate jd gets angry and stresses out. And takes it out on me. Help jd bond with devon. Devon seems like a good person. Help both of them grow there bond.
Let pj see gaming isnt healthy. Help him get off the computer. Help his girlfriend help him do something else instead of gaming. Help him distance himself from jd. Everytime they communicate jd gets angry. Their friendship isn't healthy.
Please help pj and jd distance them selfs from each other. Help pj spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming. Help him see it's not healthy gaming. Help jd relax and stop stressing out about what pj was talking about. Everytime they talk jd gets werid.
Please help pj spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming. Help him see it's not healthy. It's Sunday family day. Help him do something special for his kids.