physical needs

  1. Wylandadh

    persecuted Christians - Eritrea, Africa.

    Pray that believers’ faith would grow, that their love would increase, and that their faith would be steadfast in persecution and affliction. Pray Eritrean Christians and church leaders would have wisdom and opportunities to engage their government on the topic of religious freedom. Pray for...
  2. Numilal

    Holy Spirit thank You for all that ...

    Holy Spirit thank You for all that you have done for my family, especially my sister Cheryl. Holy Spirit, great healer, please heal my sister of all of her health issues. Guide my prayer so that it will be pleasing and acceptable to you. My sister has physical needs, please Holy One heal her, in...
  3. Articles

    'Watch Out for Bad Bread!' - Mark 8:14-15

    But the disciples had forgotten to bring any food. They had only one loaf of bread with them in the boat. As they were crossing the lake, Jesus warned them, "Watch out! Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod." —Mark 8:14-15 NLT Key Thought Don't you just love the way Jesus helps...
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