Lord this is so so very important to me lord yoir words say ask ask and I will recieve I stand on your words I ask you please lord bless and please make me evefy single part of me please lord incredibly totally amazly outstandly so so so very photogenic in every single way part of me please in...
Lord this is very very important to me lord yoir words say ask ask and I will recieve lord photographes videis selfies snap chats snap xjafs videus watapp videus fave time videis lord are so si very important to me they create memorys lord I ask you please in jesus name please please bless and...
Thanks for praying both of us. Pray for Allan Vaz that we have send his photographs to Mangalore through my cousin sister for arrange marriage.we have kept in God hand .
Lord your words say ask ask and I will recieve lord I ask you please photographes videus selfies snap chats watapp videos face time videos are so so very important to me lord they create memory lord I ask you please please bless me make me every part of me please lord incredibly totally amazly...
Lord this is very important to me lird your words say ask ask and I will recieve lord I ask you please please make me every single part of me please lord incredibly amazly outstandly so so very photogenic please lord in every single way part of me rught now always in every all photographes every...
Lord I ask you please please please take away all every fear fears I have of having my photographes taken being on video call please right now please please replace please wuth incredibly beauty radiance confidence right now please lord in jesus name yout words say ask and I will recieve lord...
Lord please please maje me please every part of me please incredibly totally amazly so so very photogenic right now always please please lord bkess me me every part of me please lord to plesse please look incredibly beautiful incredibly stunning incredibly radiaht amazing outstanding totalky...
Lord please please please bless me please to look incredibly beautiful incredibly stunning incredibly radiaht amazing outstanding totally phenomenal totally magnificent totally breathtaking please in every way part of me please lord in all all every single all photographes all videus all selfies...
Please please all pray I ask you please please lord bless me please to please please look totalky incredibly beautiful incredibly stunning incredibly sexy radiant totally amazing outstanding breathtaking please please lord in evdry single way in every single part of me in all every single all...
Please please all.pray lord photographes videis selfies snap chats are so very important to me pord thst create memories lord your words say ask ask and I will recieve lord I stand on your words lord i ask you please please lord bless me me please lord to please please look totally incredibly...
Lord I am asking you please please please bless me me please to please please look totally incredibly beautiful totally incredibly stunning geourgeous vefh very radiaht very sexy astonishing amazing totally outstanding totally magnificent totally breathtaking young youthful please lord in evdfy...
Lord phenomenal videis selfies snap chats are so so very important to me lord they create memories lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please lord bless me me please to please lord look incredibly beautiful incredibly stunning radiaht sexy striking totally amazing...
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Lord I ask you please please please bless me please to lokk alot alot better than every all filters without aby filters please in every all photographes every all videis every all selfies snap chats snap chat videos watapp videis face time videos please lord now always thst inam truly truly...
Lord please please bless me please to please look alot alot better than all every filters without abu filters please lird in every all photographes every all videis selfues snap chats snap chat videis watapp videos fave time videis taken of me please lord wuty every all cameras all phines all...
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve lord please please bless me please wuth alot allt better new mobile phone camera mobile phone now please at verh good price please give me lots skill wisdom choosing it in jesus name I ask you please lord please bless me please to.plesse please look...
Lord please please bless me please with alot alot betrer mobile phone cameras mobile phone slot alot alot better than the one I have at the moment plesse lord in jesus name I ask you plesse plesse plesse lord bless me please to look incredibly beautiful incredibly stunning geourgeous incredibly...
Lord I ask you please please please photographes videis are so very important to me they create memorys yout words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please bless me please to look incredibly beautiful geourgeous stunning radiaht sexy striking outstanding totalky amazing totally...
Lord I ask you please please please bless me please lord to look please incredibly beautiful geourgeous stunning radiaht outstanding please lord in every way in every part of me in all every photographes all every videis selfies snap chats watapp videis taken of me please lord with fioters...
Please please all pray lord photographes videos are so so very important to me I am asking you please lord your word says ask and I will recieve I ask you pleass lord bless me please lord to look incredibly beautiful incredibly geourgeous stunning sexy radiaht striking glourious outstanding...
country: united kingdom
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Please please all pray lord p please build boast my self esteem self confidence self worth in every way incredibly abubdantly now please lord bless your beauty glory radiance shigina glory to be apon every part of me now always in jesus name lofd please please photographes videos selfies are so...