P a takes away all all every photographes of him his ex chinese girl that he is no no longer with away permanently on his face book page instagraham page right now without any delay please lord make him do this please in jesus christ namess
I decree and declare p a takes away permanently all all every photographes of him his ex chinese girl that was never ever right for him in any way away permanently from his face book page his Instagram page right now without any delay in jesus christ namess
I decree and declare p a takes away permanently all all every single all every photographes of him his ex chinese girl yhst he is no no no longer with was never ever in any way right for him from his face book page his Instagram page permanently permanently jn every way right now please please...
No no no more dissappoitments in any way in any form with any any photographes videos taken of me that I need to delete please lord bless make me evert single part of me please please look incredibly beautiful incredibly geourgeous incredibly stunning incredibly sexy incredibly radiant...
I decree and declare p a takes away all all every single all every photographes of him his ex that he is no no longer with please lord on his face book page instagraham page please lord right now please without any delay in jesus christ namess
I ask you please please bless and please please please lord make me please please every single part of me please please lord incredibly awsomley amazly so so very photogenic in every single way there is to be photogenic as I desire in every single way part of me in every single all every...
I decree and declare p a takes away permanently all all every photographes of him.and his ex that he is no no longer with on his face book page instagraham page right now without any delay in jesus christ namess
I decree and declare p a takes away all sll every single all photographes of him anc his ex he is no no longer with on his face book page instagraham page right now permanently without any delay please lord make him do this please without any delay in jesus christ namess
I decree and declare in jesus christ name p a takes away all all every photographes of him and his ex that he is no no longer with away permanently on his face book page instagraham page right now right now without any delay in.jesus christ name
Very very urgent please pray pa takes away permanently all all every photographes of him and his ex he is no no longer with on his face book page instagraham page right now permanently without any delay in jesus christ namess
I ask you please please please bless and please please make me every single part of me incredibly awsomley amazly soo awsomley amazly so so very very photogenic in every way there is to be photogenic in all all every way in all photographes all every videos all every videos taken of me please...
Very urgent please all pray p a takes away permanently all every photographes of him his ex on his face book instagraham page then he is no no longer with right now without any delay please lord in jesus christ namess
Very urgent please all pray paul a takes away permanently in jesus christ name all photographes of him and his ex that he is no no longer with on his face book page instagraham page right now right now please permanently without any delay that the next time I look they are all all gone please...
I decree and declare in jesus christ name p a I like is totally single and free no longer in a relationship with Chinese girl that's not right for him he takes away all photographes of him and his ex chinese girl on his face book page instagraham page right now right now without any delay in...
I decree and declare p a takes away permanently all every photographes of him and his ex he is no no longer with on his face book instagraham page right now right now please lord without any delay in jesus christ namess
Lord your words say ask ask and I will recieve I ask you please please bless and please please make my please please every single part of me please please lord incredibly amazly awsomley so so very very photogenic in every single way there is to be photogenic in every all photographes videos...
Lord I ask you please please make p a I really like totally single totally free in every way please lord right now without any delay in jesus christ name let him take away permanently photographes of him and his ex on Facebook instagraham right now please lord without any delay please lord do...
I ask you please please lord bless please make me every single part of me please incredibly awsomley anazly so so very very photogenic in every single way there is to be photogenic in evert all photographes every all videos selfies snap chat photograohes snap chat videos watapp videos face time...
I ask you please please please lord bless me please every single part of me please please to please please look alot alot alog better please please lord than all every single all every filters without any filters at all in all photographes all videos all selfies all every snap chat photograohes...
I ask you please please please lord bless me every single part of me please lord to please please look alot alot alot better please please lord than all all every single all every filters without any filters at all in every all photographes videos taken of me please please lord that I am truly...