My friend Galina is being stalked by a pervert called Dr:George,his mates Paul and lesbian Angela. They are all registered sex-offenders. Please pray she is protected and none contacts her ever again,please pray they are struck off by the GMC and she is compensated publicly by Highlands house...
Please pray that Antonia realises Dr.George is dangerous and a known pervert,alongside corruption in police and council. Please display it clearly to her.
Please pray Andy refuses to support Dr George and accepts he’s a pervert,a stalker and not fit for practice,please pray I get a formal apology from the trust for giving a stranger my file,not checking him out and then letting him interfere with my treatment. I had never heard of him.
Please pray Michele is completely discreet and refuses to get involved to support Dr.G the pervert. Please pray she refuses to gossip to police as well and develops some professional ethics.
Please pray I am safe and perfectly healthy,and protected completely from the pervert who’s stalking me. Please pray all support and cover is removed from him totally by the other psychiatrists
I’m being harrassed and assaulted by a police officer. Please pray he is refused all information on my new address by the DWP and doctors,as is my right. He’s sick in the head and he works with a pervert.
Please pray the staff at highlands house are prosecuted and the pervert goes to jail, Please pray they are forced to submit to investigation and public enquiry and Galina is protected