Please pray police ban Warren Colman from any contact with a female who isn’t related to him and see that he’s still a pervert. Please pray he’s jailed
Please pray I never again see or hear from a creepy relative called Ann or my dad. Please pray the pervert Dr George and Louisa connected to him both hang their heads in shame and that I have an unobstructed path ahead 🙌
Please pray my dad refuses to leave S anything in his will-the pervert he’s put on my medical file without my knowledge. She is responsible for a murder and attacks on children
Please pray the woman hanging around work is exposed as the mother of a pervert who hurt 15 children Please pray I am able to stay out of it completely
Please pray sibel’s parents see she is a pervert and keep her away from society for good. Please pray I’m completely protected from them and that none of her medical or criminal history ever goes down in my name or connected to me in any way-they tried to switch files
Please pray Malcolm clearly sees that Warren is a pervert and it’s sinister he has lied he “treated” me when neither I nor anyone I know has heard of him,or anyone connected to him
Please pray I’m protected and especially from the pervert pretending he’s my psychiatrist,it’s become frightening as we’ve never met. Please pray Ben pays me today
Please pray I’m protected completely from the pervert alleging he’s my psychiatrist and that nobody,police included,takes him seriously or gives him access. I’ve never met him but he was seen outside my home at 3am and is a known rapist. Please pray anything compromising put on my file is removed.
Please pray my family all see very clearly that their friend Dr George is a pervert who was outside my house at 3/4 am and stole my underwear. I will never permit him near us or our children and I will cut ties with family over it. They’ve put me at risk before,please pray someone hammers some...
Please pray I’m protected from a pervert called Dr.George,not a man I know at all-he’s pretending he’s my psychiatrist- and that he’s unable to access my details,medical file or any kind of personal information
There’s a pervert stalking me and using friends to add fake info to my health file,pretending he’s a psychiatrist. He’s a sex offender and I’ve never met him,he’s not licensed or registered. Please pray he’s jailed and gets no information on any female let alone me.
I have had ongoing issues with a stalker accessing my medical file and pretending he’s a psychiatrist and I am in his care. Please pray it’s never released again abd we get huge compensation from Williams who gave a pervert my file,with my address. Please pray he’s jailed and sacked for being...
My dad and sister put me at risk. Please pray they accept I will never see them again and will sue them for my inheritance,please pray my dad accepts I was told he’s a pervert as well.
Please pray MHAS unit at the Royal Ed help Galina prosecute pervert Dr George for stalking. Please pray they provide unstinting help and see he’s a danger to women and made her feel violated,stipe underwear,keys to her home and is a stalker