Praise God for more great job leads! Prepare me, relax me to be myself. Let me get an amazing job offer soon! Let the counselor help me break all strongholds of fear & timidity. Bless me with confidence & ability to show my personality & God given gifts to serve God well.
Lord, please help me with communication with others. Please help me, help me personality and my expression. Help me with every aspect and don't let me show my vulnerabilities to others.
God, I pray that you put me in the right place to do the work you made me to do. I love you so mcuh.
Father, thank You for the gifts and talents You have given to me as well as my personality. Thank You that You created me to release my gift and make a difference in the world. I declare that I refuse to let fear keep me in hiding. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Lord, with more personality coming out at work, I feel like some of my problems are coming out, which brings uncomfortable feelings towards others. I very much want to change this. Help my defensive mechanism when others people, especIally my supervisors, give me feedback.
Help me grow so that...
Let me see all customers and authority figures as friends and equals! Let them be my friends. Let me be myself with the personality God gave to me and not be fearful and or upset.
Heavenly Father, we are confronted with deception on many fronts every day, so much so, that we can be deceived without even realizing it. Would You help us to watch out and be on our guard so that we are not deceived by man’s words, no matter how convincing they are, how charming their...
Prayer to break bigorexia or body building addiction for Justin Uriel S. For him to stop taking supplements and steroids affecting his mental state and personality. For him to be led to Jesus. For God to redirect his path, give him wisdom in decision making. For Justin to accept Jesus as his...
Any personality, carrying the seed of wickedness against me, family , at home or work be exposed and disgraced and kept far away from us , in Jesus name. .
God May you cure my body of everything , give me a better personality please . Let people like me better . I have been changed by years of abuse by other people , then I became an angry person , I didn’t want to be this person , pls help me lord , pls forgive me . Restore my health lord .
For sleepless father in law 85 years old violent at night and angry with everyone for everything and changes another personality at some nights -like his expired mother many years ago. Please support us in valuable prayers
1. Oh lord perfect my healing and put me in a perfect condition. 2. Every force fighting against my marriage and personality be destroyed. 3. The main mystery behind the dealings in my life be revealed in Jesus name. 4. Let the door of my greatness and breakthrough show fought . 5. Give me the...
Dear God give me wisdom please for an online psychological assessment. You know that from deep in my being I reject all this type of screening so that companies can market and track your personality deep to the core. Help me tell them what they wanna hear because if they knew what I really...
Please pray that any manipulative qualities will be removed from my personality as well as any desire to seek out knowledge about my life in an ungodly way. Please pray that I will not be enticed by any new age practices or occult practices.
Please pray for me to have a peace of mind and my healing ,that my child can still maintain his scholarship, my daughter to have improved personality and health and that my wife to be in perfect health .. Pray for my eldest son and family to be always be guided by Jesus ..
Good afternoon I need lots of prayers one please father cover my son with the blood of the lamb he is married to an evil woman that’s a strong word for me to say never thought a person could be so evil people are different and you have to except them but being evil that’s a different story she...
big problems
country: unknown
different story
don t
drama life
evil people
evil woman
good afternoon
problems big problems
strong word
Please pray for natalie king and pray for her anger problems. Pray that she won't be too hard on the children. Please pray and ask The Lord to change her from the inside, her heart and personality so the love of God will show from her. In jesus name.
Please hear so many payers tonight. Please help me get much needed sleep. Please help us that our employees are happy and work well. I ask for prayer for Teghan please. Help her with her mood swings and personality. Give her peace and understanding. Please pray for T to not move forward without...
My husband Adriano has demonic attacks. demons take over his personality at times. He has evil dreams he can physically feel things being shoved down his throat. He has trouble sleeping at times only 4hrs. He gets migraines, heart pain, back & shoulder pain as well as mental health issues. I am...
Pls my name is Promise Azuka Tobechukwu, in Ghana now , I have a lot to complain about, I'm helpless without God, hopeless without help in fact I have tried to stop watching Emmanuel tv because of my frustration ' I have a serious headache that I have tried with medicine to no avail, people does...