Hebrews 10:19-25
Dear Father,
Thank you for the confidence I can have to enter your sanctuary. May I draw near to you in faith, full of assurance, with my heart cleansed from a guilty conscience and with my body washed with pure water.
Grant that I may hold fast to the confession of my faith...
10 19 25 dear father
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enthusiastic expression
enthusiastic expression of faith
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glorious day
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guilty conscience
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written consent heartlight
My brothers and sisters in Christ, I would like you all pray for the people who are stuck far away from their loved ones. Please pray for the flights to reopen and embassies to grant permission for all them people who are waiting to go back for their jobs ,or their loved ones.
Dear Lord,
Thank You for the gift of friendship. Thank You for the people who are in my life and are willing to walk through life with me. I pray my friendships would continue to grow and that we would become even closer. Remind me to give them permission to speak into my life. Show me how to...
Hebrews 3:1-6
Dear Father,
Keep my eyes focused on Jesus. Help me carefully consider him.
Let me see his faithfulness. Let me see his worthiness to be honored.
Let me see him as the apostle and high priest of my confession.
Let me see him as the one who has called me to a heavenly calling...
2020 heartlight inc
3 1 6 dear father
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god's household
high priest
household of faith
meridian publishing
written consent
written consent heartlight
Hebrews 4:13
Dear Father, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent,
Help me to follow your teachings and live my life according to your will even in unusual or seemingly unimportant circumstances. O Lord, from you nothing is hidden; all things are open and laid bare before your eyes, and to you we...
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hebrews 4 13 dear father
inmost thoughts
meridian publishing
pure heart
righteous adherence
secret deeds
unimportant circumstances
written consent
written consent heartlight
Hebrews 4:14-5:6
Dear Father, Eternal God,
Enable us to hold fast to our confession of Jesus as our great High Priest. We adore him, for even though he passed through the heavens to enter your sanctuary, he is able to sympathize with our weaknesses, because in flesh like ours he was tempted...
14 5 6 dear father eternal
1996 2020 heartlight inc
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devos pwp
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great high priest
meridian publishing
throne of grace
written consent heartlight
Hebrews 5:11-6:4, 9-12
Dear Father,
I am eager to be a good learner. I want to get beyond needing milk meant for babies. I want to digest the solid food of your word. I want to be skilled in righteousness, able to distinguish good from evil.
Let me move past the elementary teachings of Christ...
4 9 12 dear father
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elementary teachings
good learner
holy people
meridian publishing
righteousness able
solid food
written consent
written consent heartlight
Praise the Lord During this covid 19 situation my husband office has given them the permission to work from home n now office have decided they should work from home after the perdimic also.. So we decided to go to our hometown n work from there because stay in Bangalore is too expensive and...
Greetings inthe name of the Lord Jesus Christ.My husband has a very bad ego because of his ego he had fight with my parents and he is not even allowing me to meet my parents and im only child for them.even though they r ill he is not allowing me to go as he wants my parents to ask permisiion to...
Dear lord, sorry for asking help at this hour. I am asking permission if i can resched the therapy of my daughter next week and the therapist will understand. Amen
Judge Pavone grants me permission to take my 8yr old son with me to Clinton County. I have the strength and peserverance to make through this to protect my son spiritually from his father and that family
Jesus please let my son realize it's too hot and come inside. He doesn't listen to anything we tell him and I am sick of it. He went out without my permission. I am too weak and sick to argue with him. Please let him stop disobeying me. And please help me feel better. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
With God nothing is impossible, pls help me pray for the fruit of the womb. Its been 6 years now trying.My husband gets angry at me now his asking my permission to make another lady pregnant. This is so painful ,l believe my God's time is always perfect. I kant afford to go for an operation to...
1 Peter 4:7-11 The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to...
I am so tired of living, I pray every night God will take me, my husband is having a affair, watches porn, talks to girls online and is controlling. I can't drive anywhere, I have to ask permission for everything, he calls me names, like bitch, jackass and others. I just want to die, please...
Jesus please let my son leave me alone I can't get ANYTHING DONE! He is perfectly capable, he doesn't need me. He is defiant. He went and got in the pool without my permission and tells me, "You can't ground me." And I need my husband to give me money and my packages tomorrow. Please also help...
Whre I am, the governor has given restaurants the go ahead to open{I mean open the right way, not the stupid take out,caneman style.}Yet although they can, the cowards are afraid to, and 99%of them didn't!!Most of my favorites, including my 2 favorite buffets but even the regular sit downs, are...