Stop with prayer my period. It already lasts for to long. Started on 06. June., cca 17 days. Regulation of my menstrual cycle. Easy menopause transition. Thank you
Normal stomach acid. No gastritis. No nausea, pain or cramps. No stress or tension in my stomach. Also pray that this generational...
06 june
17 days regulation
country: croatia
easy menopause transition
generational issue
good break
menstrual cycle
nausea pain
normal stomach acid
Pray that myperiod will stop. It started on 06.june....17 days. Really to long. Couple years ago i had also this kind of problem because of emotional issues. Please pray that it will stop. Regulation of a menstrual cycle. Easy menopause transition. All healthy and normal in my body amen
Stop my period which lasts already for 15 days. Regulation of a menstr cycle. Easy transition to a menopause.
To come on time at my working place today. To be there and anywhere else protected from any evil work. Amen
Dear saints, I request you to kindly pray that my office colleague shouldn't go on leave during this period when there is more work. Every year he does that and i get stressed. Alone i find it difficult to manage. Please pray that he should not go on leave. Please pray that on his own he should...
Pray that my period will stop. Regulation/stabilization of my menstr cycle. Easy transition to menopauze.
Prosperity and financial increase in every area of my life. All debt erased/covered/forgiven...Amen
Wisdom concerning relationship to my principle/school.authoritoes and finances...
My period must stop now. It lasts already 15 days. Stabilization of menstrual cycle
No danger of blindness for my old father. He had cataract, glaucoma, bad eye surgeries and now double and fogy vision. So much that he stumbles on wholes on the street.
Wisdom for every area of my life...
15 days stabilization
best decisions
cataract glaucoma bad eye surgeries
country: croatia
foggy vision
menstrual cycle
old father
principle authorities
street wisdom
Pray that my period will stop now. It lasts already 14 days. Stabilization of my menstrual cycle.
My good friend in Christ Helena - breast cancer, heavy overweight, no possible metastasis, no symptoms of chemotherapy please.
Please pray for my job. I should not get any untowards work which I won't be able to do. Please pray that my colleague shouldn't go on leave during this period when we get lot of work. Pray for my health also pray for my both sisters and there family members health, safety and long life.
No feeling of fever.
Its hot outside but also gastritis...
Normal.stomach acid.
My period to stop.because it lasts for 14 days. Everything around my hormones, menstr cycle female organs and period to be normal regular healthy.
Whenever i lay down to fall asleep and that my sleep is sweet.
Please pray that my colleague shouldn't go on leave at all during this period when there is lot of work. I become stressed. Please pray that he should not go on leave during these period and should cooperate with me.
I dont feel well. Physically and emotionaly. I lost 20 € today because of the railway company. I have stomach issues. Nausea. Gastritis. Stomach acid. Tension. My period lasts for to long. I feel unsatisfied. I dont have boyfriend/husband. End of the schoolyear. Stress as a teacher...please pray...
boyfriend husband
breast cancer
country: croatia
good friend
railway company
school year stress
stomach acid tension
stomach issues
unpleasant symptoms
1) stopping my period who lasts for to long now. Starting from 06. june.
2) no nausea in my stomach, no gasreitis, normal stomach acid
3) amazing company, amazing friends, amazing week
4) amazing summer hollydays 2023 - 15.july - 15. august -
at the seacoast 21 days, time of my...
06 june
3 amazing company amazing friends
amazing company friends
country: croatia
normal stomach acid
seacoast 21 days time
week 4 amazing summer holidays
Normal menstrual cycle. My period lasts for to long now. Pray that it will stop. Pray for easy healthy effortless menopause transition.
No headake or high blood pressure. Good sweet sleep. Enough of sleep.
Normal.stomach acid.
High efficiency in everything I do this weekend especially home...
country: croatia
easy healthy effortless menopause transition
high blood pressure
normal menstrual cycle
normal stomach acid high efficiency
Lord help me and prosper my businesses, for they have been working with less amount which can't even pay salaries and rent, even help me in this period of contracting my house, I promise to pay the tithe Lord as you render to me.
Good evening Man of God I am Rakkel from Namibia, please Pray for me Man of God I have something moving on my head for many years now and it affects my period to stop And I also having a problem eating on the dreams please help me Man of God
I just want thank God Almighty for a successful English examination called IELTS which i wrote few days ago. i just want to thank God for health and strength he gave to me during the period of this exam and may his name be praise forever. I am trusting God for a miracle and breakthrough even as...
I wrote in this prayer request to pray for me to concieve and ull prayed for me but in this trying time of mine suddenly i got my period I didn't tell my husband about this I don't know what to do please pray for me
I had my period on 24 April again today a got period I didn't know what is happening please pray fo me and my back pain is not yet gone please pray for me
I’m Martha and I need prayers. This morning I noticed some red veins on my eyes. I need prayers for my eyes. I cleaned the fridge yesterday and I was having my period and now my period is almost gone now, and I noticed some red veins on the whites of my eyes too. Please pray my period returns...