peace pls

  1. Esthalizo

    Goodmorning. My Name is Alice s.l need ...

    Goodmorning. My Name is Alice s.l need prayer. Barreness, business failure, Pain of the past.l need peace pls Man of GOD
  2. Shargoth

    [B]lord father iam not doing ...

    lord father iam not doing good @ my work any more, bcs idnt have paece,pls come in my work,i dnt want to lose my job been fired i want a new good job then leave this, pls father , come work with me, be with me, put all enmies to shame, bad boss johan,vrnn, bad colleques, of 2facess...
  3. Mamon

    dearest all frnds i need a prayer ...

    dearest all frnds i need a prayer for my next journey of delhi i will go to delhi on 29th september for some work and i will return on 4th october but i dont know why i m scared about that i have to stay there 3days... but my work is for 1day only 2days extra i take ...pls give me strength and...
  4. Mamon

    dear all brother and sisters i need ...

    dear all brother and sisters i need a prayer my mental stress i need rest jesus i just need rest i m mentally very very stressed i dnt want to think about those people who dont care me pls help me to forget about them i want to b happy just i want to stay happy with my parents nothing another...
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