I don't know how many of you have experienced this, but the last several months I've had "surprises"{the kind that cause problems,not the pleasant kind.}For this pattern to stop, and things to stabilize.
Too many distractions and interuptions. I was on the phone trying to apply for a new credit card, and this old lady was trying continuously to call me, and leaving the same message{instead of waiting patiently while I took care of MY thing.}Meantime my cat was meowing for...
Out in the world they call this "luck", but I 've had a pattern where 4 or 5 people could "breeze through" something ,then I try it, I run into "problems",and get thwarted. Or vice versa, where I try for a goal, I get defeated by an "obstacle', then soon after, I hear of , or from, some...
Some days worse than others, but usually when I try to do something, even a small thing, I run into obstacles.This is like a pattern,and because it's been going on pretty steady, my patience level of dealing with it is not good. For things to go more smoothly...
Lord I come today to You asking you for a new mind and a new heart. Lord no longer do I wish to be conformed to the pattern of this world but rather I want to transformed totally by your Holy Spirit... Lord I don’t want fame or fortune... instead give me what I regard as way more precious...
country: united states
gifts of humility love kindness peace patience gentleness
holy spirit
love kindness
name amen
new heart
new mind
peace patience gentleness
There's a situation looming over me, that I knew by the pattern of things that it was heading there, but it appears to be bearing down on me sooner than I prefered it to, or had planned on. The exact opposite of my preferences. I would like this pattern slowed up, so that I can get back more to...
I like to do things according to a certain pattern, I feel more comfortable that way. However,there's always little "surprises" popping up,that don't go according to my "plans."I don't like this. I like to do things in an organized, systematic way.No "curve balls" thrown at me. For a nice...
Unexpected expenses popping up like popcorn,so that every time I try to save back some, something else comes along to push me back.That this pattern be reversed.
My adult children are unkind to me, sometimes to the point of bullying. They were raised watching me get abused and seem to be repeating the pattern. I ask for prayer for our healing as individuals and as a family, for unGodly strongholds to be broken, and for salvation for each of them. I also...
I have"the Job syndrome",remember how Job was being told of one problem , and immediately after that, as he tried to let that sink in, another messenger showed up to tell him of another problem, and then another, etc. Well it's been that way with me lately, one problem after another. Really...
There are different sins that we notice the unsaved{or even backslidden Christians} do, and we speak on them. But here's one I see becoming more common, in fact quite common,and it is, yes, a sin!These unmarried "couples", maybe "going steady " even engaged,who "get a jump on things" and have a...
We're not supposed to use the word "luck".But whatever you would describe it as, I have this pattern, where, there could be , others try something, and no problem, when I try it{even a simple thing}I run into some obstacle, problem or hindrance.OR, some others might have "problems", but then I...
I like to think of myself as "organized." I like to do things according to a pattern ,and in my own time frame. But lately there's been much "uncertainty" in my life , which is "creeping me out".For things to be stable.Don't need "surprises."Not for me..