
  1. Anonymous

    Lord please help to eat right and ...

    Lord please help to eat right and tests come back ok, bless our soon trip and bring those, us mighty Peace Favor Protection patience love joy and Mighty blessings and to them salvation Amen
  2. Marte

    Pray for wisdom, patience, humbleness, kindness, peace ...

    Pray for wisdom, patience, humbleness, kindness, peace and love for me, my daughter and my husband ❤️ Bless us and protect us! Let not bitterness, toxicity and harm reach us in any form. I pray for my patients - that they get the help they need. That they feel safe and loved. I pray that I are...
  3. (Zian)

    Praise the lord god am praying for ...

    Praise the lord god am praying for my family happiness and bless them with home ur only hope to provide everything in this world... Plz give them patience in every situation... And for myself i don't know want to do in this world why am in this world i hope god u will hear my prayers and giving...
  4. (Zian)

    Praise the lord bless my family with ...

    Praise the lord bless my family with ur glory and lead them in right way and give them patience and support in their life... I don't know what to do with my life plz god live with me and give me happiness in my life and don't leave me in this world alone... Amen
  5. (Zian)

    Praise the lord bless my family with ...

    Praise the lord bless my family with ur glory show them the way towards you and give patience for listening human criticism towards them.. I don't known what to do with my life so god plz show me way what to do in my life... Amen
  6. (Zian)

    Praise the Lord God bless us with ...

    Praise the Lord God bless us with ur glory and show the path in our lifes don't leave us alone in this world plz give us patience Amen
  7. Anonymous

    Show them their evil ways and change ...

    Show them their evil ways and change them Lord gkids too independent and trying to control me too. Stop all abuse and let there be peace patience love kindness joy and understanding and bring them your conviction
  8. AGAPE55

    Lord I pray you continue improving my son Anthony's life

    Lord I pray that you continue working on Anthony's inner spirit. I pray that you calm him and that you fill him with your peace. I pray that he becomes meek and more humble. I pray that he is filled with patience when he deals with people and exercises better understanding especially when...
  9. CDuncha

    Jesus bless me with good health and ...

    Jesus bless me with good health and heart..bles me with patience understanding love n me to never fell in embracing n humiliating condition..Pure my heart to pray n forgive for others..bless my sister in law n her fetus bless her and child with safe delivery help and forgive us
  10. Blessedgiver

    First of all, I want you all ...

    First of all, I want you all to help me thank the Lord so much for my prayer request answered last year. If you are on this platform, know that God will answer all your problems no matter what each one of you is passing through. One thing I can say is that exercise patience and trust in God...
  11. Powers

    God, thank You for a new day ...

    God, thank You for a new day - for salvation, grace, new mercies, Your patience, this site and members, water, food, heat, shelter and Love. For physical, mental and spiritual health. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit, protection, the privilege of prayer & answering us. LORD Jesus, increase Your...
  12. silver1103

    Spirit of truth help me to handle ...

    Spirit of truth help me to handle the things I can’t handle. Give me patience to wait for the right guy and help me to get over Jason who manipulated me since I met him. He has a personality problem. Help me to find someone that is more compatible with me and who I don’t feel insecure around bc...
  13. Powers

    God, thank You !

    God, thank You for a new day - for salvation, grace, new mercies, Your patience, this site and members, water, food, heat, shelter and Love. For physical, mental and spiritual health. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit, protection, the privilege of prayer & answering us. LORD Jesus, increase Your...
  14. natasha2

    Good mood, fantastic time with my family, loving relationships

    No lying or manipulation in my family. Honesty, openess, understanding, patience. Loving harmonious relationships in my family - my mother, father, brother and me. Lord, today fantastic lunch with my family (good mood, positivity, optimism, good time together).
  15. Powers

    Thank You, God!

    God, thank You for a new day - for salvation, grace, new mercies, Your patience, this site and members, water, food, heat, shelter and Love. For physical, mental and spiritual health. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit, protection, the privilege of prayer & answering us. LORD Jesus, increase Your...
  16. (Zian)

    God praise the lord to all thank ...

    God praise the lord to all thank you for my brother job and give him patience and stand by his side God... Am praying for land issue solve in ur name... Am praying for my mother and father... Plz forgive our sins and bless us with ur glory... Amen ur only our hope God kindly pray for my family...
  17. Powers

    God, thank You!

    God, thank You for this day - for salvation, grace, new mercies, Your patience, this site and members, water, food, heat, shelter and Love. For physical, mental and spiritual health. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit, protection, the privilege of prayer & answering us. LORD Jesus, increase Your...
  18. (Zian)

    God praise the lord to all thank ...

    God praise the lord to all thank you for my brother job and give him patience and stand by his side God... Am praying for land issue solve in ur name... Am praying for my mother and father... Plz forgive our sins and bless us with ur glory... Amen
  19. Powers

    God, thank You for this day - ...

    God, thank You for this day - for salvation, grace, new mercies, Your patience, this site and members, water, food, heat, shelter and Love. For physical, mental and spiritual health. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit, protection, the privilege of prayer & answering us. LORD Jesus, increase Your...
  20. Powers

    Thank You, God

    God, thank You for this day - for salvation, grace, new mercies, Your patience, this site and members, water, food, heat, shelter and Love. For physical, mental and spiritual health. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit, protection, the privilege of prayer & answering us. LORD Jesus, increase Your...
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