God, you are a good God. Lord, please give ms strength and patience during this season. God, I believe you will heal hunter and I and our relationship God. We are still in separation, lord. But, I know you are working. I am keeping my faith God. Please lord, guide me to see the signs around me...
Lord, you are the reason for all I have and am and I thank you. Prayers my children are safe, healthy and happy. Prayers my parents are healthy and safe with patience with one another. Prayers that B enjoys his job and stays safe with good Health. Prayers his finances improve. Prayers I have an...
Thank you, Lord, Mary, St. Jude, all holy ones, and everyone who prayed for my prayer requests. The prayers were answered, and I am truly appreciative! Thank you, Lord, for perfect timing in my life. Help me to demonstrate patience when needed.
Thank you all for praying with me, My husband is still ignoring me, giving me silent treatment. I don't know how much longer I can take this, I am praying for patience, to give God time to work in his heart. To plant and grow the fruits of the spirit in our hearts, I know it is only God that can...
Need help from hearing these evil ones around me cursing and I rebuke it off my spirit too and stop my anger and cursing back at them lord, forgive me and help to be strong and be an example of you, and help with patience with these inept people also. Save them all until you open blessed doors...
God give us patience and peace and understanding.Healing Eustathios traumas insecurities and need to intentionally make me jealous.Unconditional love,happiness,, lifetime union family in the name of Jesus ♥️🙏
I pray that I can get through my day. I don't like middle schooler's. I really want to but I dont. I pray that I can finish off this day and then I pray to find a different job because this is really hard I feel bad but I think I might have to leave this school. I just cant do eight grade. They...
Lord, grant me the wisdom, the patience, and everything I need to be able to handle my abusive boss. May I be able to find a good place to live for me and my mom and may I be able to find a good job that is good for my mental health where I can only focus on work. I made a mistake on opening up...
Please pray for my wife Naghmeh, we came to Canada less than 4 months ago and due to the pressures we had during the 7 years of being refugees in Turkey and my wife and I's lack of patience, unfortunately, she wants to get a divorce, we have a 4-year-old daughter named Elliana, I am very worried...
Please God help me and jd bond and communicate with each other better. Help him have patience and be understanding with me. Help me see him how I use to. Help us grow closer and spend time together. Being positive together.
Lord please show me if this is the person for me. If not please give me the strength to let him go and if he is please give me the patience that is needed to let things happen when the timing is right. Please help me to focus on me and not worry about the situation and give it over to you fully...
Lord, I thank you for your grace and blessings. Prayers that my kids are safe, healthy and happy. Prayers H gets to play tomorrow night and we win. Prayers that my parents have good health and patience. Prayers that B gets his finances in order and can have a better time at work and with his...
Good morning th a nk you for allowing me to see another day I did not see my prayers answered for my nephew but I believe that you will according to your timing and your will and your way I pray for understanding and patience I pray my Faith will be renewed
Lord, thank you for your blessings. Prayers that my kids are healthy, safe, and happy. Prayers that my parents have health, safety, and patience. Prayers for B, and his health, safety, and happiness. Prayers for his finances as well. Prayers that I have a great week at work that is uneventful...
Lord please show me if this is the person for me. If not please give me the strength to let him go and if he is please give me the patience that is needed to let things happen when the timing is right. Please help me to focus on me and not worry about the situation and give it over to you fully...
Lord, you never fail me and bless me everyday. Prayers for my kids to be healthy, happy and safe. Prayers that they make up and start talking again. Prayers that my parents have patience with one another. Prayers that they get along and my dad gets better. Prayers for B to be healthy, happy and...
Lord, you never fail me and bless me everyday. Prayers for my kids to be healthy, happy and safe. Prayers that they make up and start talking again. Prayers that my parents have patience with one another. Prayers that they get along and my dad gets better. Prayers for B to be healthy, happy and...