Please pray for an old acquaintance that I crossed paths with recently. If he is interested in me, that I pray that he will reach out to me. He is a Christian. Please pray that he is not about to leave the company. Also please pray for his elderly mother's health.
Please pray for special blessings for an old acquaintance from 20 years ago this weekend. I pray that he is living a close walk with God, and has healed from past hurts and wounds. And I pray that if he is interested in me then our paths will cross again soon.
Please pray for special blessings for an old acquaintance this weekend. I pray that he had a successful week in several tough things at work. And I pray that if he is interested in me then our paths will cross again soon. I truly feel that this is not an accident and this is God. Thank you for...
Please pray for an acquaintance that I recently crossed paths with. I like this Christian man and pray that is there is interest from him, then we could date. I pray that he is well and that his mother's health improves.
Dear God, please heal my broken heart, I feel so lonely and my heart is heavy. For two years I haven't had any relationship but I keep going back to my ex boyfriend and getting hurt and rejected, I pray God that this few days left before October ends you shall bring my husband and I paths...
I crossed paths with an acquaintance from many years ago. I like this Christian man, and I worry that he may be about to move away and leave the company. Please pray that if this man is interested in me, that he will contact me. Please pray that I am healed from the things that have me being...
I crossed paths with an old acquaintance from years ago. This man is a Christian, I believe. I like him and worry that he may be about to move away and leave the company. Please pray that if this man is interested in me, that he will reach out to me. Please pray that I am healed from the things...
I crossed paths with an acquaintance from many years ago. I like this man, who I believe to be a Christian, and worry that he may be about to move away and leave the company. Please pray that if this man is interested in me, that he will contact me. Please pray that I am healed from the things...
I crossed paths with an acquaintance from many years ago. I like this man, who I believe to be a Christian, and worry that he may be about to move away and leave the company. Please pray that if this man is interested in me, that he will contact me. Please pray that I am healed from the things...
Please pray that if this man who that was an acquaintance from long ago is interested in me then he would express his interest. Our paths crossed again unexpectedly.
Please pray for the continued harassment by the neightbour whenever we cross paths. I feel very uncomfortable and disturbed, because he lives directly below me. He also leaves clutter out that's a fire hazard, please pray for the Lord to exact vengence against him. And for some other...
Please pray that if this man who that was an acquaintance from long ago is interested in me then he would express his interest. Our paths crossed again unexpectedly.
Heal me Lord. Remove the cancer from my body, and the arthitus from my neck causing me headaches. I trust in you Jesus, make my paths straight and strengthen me Lord, And also strengthen the many others that come to this website for prayer. In Jesus name I pray Amen..
God, protect my son 'B' and daughter 'C' driving separately, long distances tonite. Protect them, their cars and all drivers on their paths. Holy Spirit, guide them. Thank You, ijnip
God, protect my son 'B' and daughter 'C' driving separate, long distances tonite. Protect them, their cars and all drivers on their paths. Holy Spirit, guide them.
Please lord I'm begging you help me choose a wise decision.. I'm having few paths Infront of me right now , pls lord I'm.begging you pls help me choose a right path which will help my future my lord .. please help me I'm begging you my saviour lord
Dear friends in Christ please pray for my 2 daughter's that God will bless them with husbands that there paths will cross with there life partners I ask this in Jesus name Amen