May F not get fined (for a mistake he has not made; because of a machine not working properly). May C be set free from past hurts. May the phone company connect P's phone line again; may P find better paying job to pay bills. S sent an email to someone unreachable by phone in the last days...
Dear God, heal Frank and me, You have always answered my prayers and I believe that You will answer this one too. Frank Armstrong is meant to be my husband and I am meant to be his wife. Only You can mend what seems permanently broken right now. Help us to let go of past hurts and people that...
Dear God, heal Frank and me, You have always answered my prayers and I believe that You will answer this one too. Frank Armstrong is meant to be my husband and I am meant to be his wife. Only You can mend what seems permanently broken right now. Help us to let go of past hurts and people that...