Very very urgent lord please please remove every all dark circles hollows every bit of filler absolutely all every bukgy bits raised bits lines under both my eyes permanently right now please please lord make undervmy eyes brand new brand new incredibly incredibly flst smooth make doctor convery...
brand new brand
brand new skin
country: unknown
fluid swelling filler
left cheekbone right cheekbone
loneliness singleness lateness
rejection criticism delay
single way part
top bottom teeth
Very very very urgent please please all pray for me I need your prayers I decree and declare in jesus christ name no no no kore dissappoitments in my life in any way form no no more delay in any way form in my life no no more slow progress stagnation in my life in any way no no mote obstacles in...
body lungs air ways
country: unknown
left chest right cheekbone
loneliness singleness lateness
misery stress worry anxiety depression
misery suffering sadness sorrow loneliness singleness
other people man women child
red veins pigmentation marks
slow progress stagnation
Very urgent please all pray Lord please please remove every all dark circles hollows every bit of filler all every bulgy bits raised bits all every lines wrinkles under my eyes from thecroots thst under my etes are completely totally smooth incredibly flat incredibly smooth brand new when I look...
brand new brand new
country: unknown
dark circles
fluid skin booster
left eye lid
red veins pigmentation
sensitive skin
single part
single way part
Very very urgent lord please please make doctor darren talk with me do under eye scan for me this week give me appointment please for under eye scan this week please without any delay at all in jesus name please make doctor darren please be ally nicer caring gentle understanding compassionate to...
Very very very urgent lord lord please please make doctor darren please do a under eye scan for me without any delay at all be alot allt nicer compassionate understanding caring gentle to me towards me please please please make under eyes scan clearly clearly show there is still filler under...
body vagina area
brand new brand new skin
country: unknown
dryskin dull skin
left eye lid
nicer compassionate understanding
right amount units
right needle use
skin sensitive skin
Lord lord please please remove all every raised bits all every dark circles hollows under my eyes permanently bump under my left eye lid permanently all fluid under my left cheekbone permanently all every spots all every pimples all white heads all black heads all every marks scars all pale skin...
brand new brand new skin
cheekbones eye kid
country: unknown
human understanding joy
left eye lid
power healing peace
skin neck
skin problems
skin sensitive skin
Very very very urgent please please all pray Lord lord please please heal heal my scalp permanently from all itchiness every all scalp problems all dandruff permanently forever right now every every return ever please in jesus christ name please please lord multiply multiply the whole hair...
Very very urgent please all pray lore I ask you please please remove every bit of filler under my eyes I don't like that are raised bulky can feel it please completely totally permanently where there is absolutely no bulky bits at all absolutely no raised bits at all cant feel it in any way at...
awesome healing love peace joy
bad period pains
beauty glory radiance
country: unknown
financial income savings
health health skin teeth
patient compassionate understanding
right spots places
single way part area
Very urgent all every dark circle hollow under my eyes all puffiness fkuod under my left cheekbone every all scars every all marks every all blemishes every all pigmentation marks all pale skin dry skin all sensitive skin all all every lines wrinkles be gone permanently from my face skin neck...
brand new brand new skin
country: unknown
dark circle
face skin neck
puffiness fluid
sensitive skinskin aesthetics
skin experts
skin treatments
Very urgent scabies all every skin problems all every spits all rashes all every marks pigmentation marks red viebds dark circles hollow under my eyes all all evert scars all every moles all pale skin dry skin all sensitive skin evefy lines wrinkles please lord from my face skin permanently...
Urgent lord lord please please remove all puffiness under my left eye permanently from the roots never to return all bumps under left eye lid permanently all spots all pimples all marks all scars all moles all pigmentation marks all pale skin dry skin every lines wrinkles from my face neck whoke...
I ask you please please lord take away permanently please all every dark circle hollow under my eyes please all every marks all every blemishes all every red viens all every pigmentation marks all pale skin dry skin all dull skin all every moles all every lines wrinkles from my face skin please...
Urgent lord please please rekive every single all every blemishes red viebs all every pigmentation marks uneven skin tone every all marks every all blemishes all pale skin dry skin every lines wrinkles every dark circles hollow under my etss evdry all skin blemishes please lord from my face skin...
Urgent lord please please remove please permanently all every skin blemishes every all pigmentation marks all ecdry uneven skin tome every all red viebs every all moles all pale skin dry skin dull skin sensitive skin every way lines every all wrinkles every all marks blemishes straxhy marks fat...
Urgent lord nothing is impossible for you and your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please rekive please lord every single all every blemishes all every pigmentation marks all uneven skin tome every lines efdfy wrinkles all pale skin dry skin all dull skin every skin marks...
country: united kingdom
dark circles
dull skin
face skinpaleskindryskin
pigmentation marks
radiant clear flawless amazing young youthful skin
red vibes
skin marks
uneven skin tome
I command every all blemishes all res viens all every pigmentation Mark's all every lines wrinkles all pale skin dry skin all dull skin every all streach Mark's every all dark circles hollow under my eyes all these things leave my skin permantly permantly permantly right now never ever ever to...
Lord please please remove every all dark circles hollow under my eyes please lord permantly bless this treatment with Paula to be a huge incredibly total success in everh wah produce amazing desired results with no side effects at all please lord in jesus christ name pleaseord remove remove...
amazing desired results
country: united kingdom
dark circles
dull skin
eveth lines
huge incredibly total success
red veins
side effects
My lord my god I ask you please please remive every all dark circles hollow under my eyes permantly right now please bless treatment with paula to please please be a huge incredibly success with no side effects please lord that I am truly truly astonished amazed in jesus christ namess please...
beautiful clear flawless very radiant skin
country: united kingdom
dark circles
red veins
side effects
skin dull skin
Please all pray lord thank you that you are my healer lord I ask you plesse touch heal my whole stomach in every way now remove from me permantly please all every stomach pain discomfort inflamation tenderness swelling fat acid reflux every stomach sickness infirmity right now permantly never...