I had my second interview for my dream job and I am waiting for them to call me next week. God, I really need this job to help pay for my accumulating medical bills due to my Leukemia. I beg of you God to please let them offer me this job. I desperately need this! IJNIPA
I had my second interview for my dream job and I am waiting for them to call me next week. God, I really need this job to help pay for my accumulating medical bills due to my Leukemia. I beg of you God to please let them offer me this job. I desperately need this! IJNIPA
I beg of you God, I REALLY want the position I interviewed for today. Please I beg of you God, if you have ever loved me then please let them offer me this position. IJNIPA
Lord please please convict pa for the way he treated me vert very strongly in every part of him I pray he has no no peace till he sincerely apologise to me make him sincerely apologise to Me please lord without any delay please lord make out relashionship closer stronger deeper flourishes bring...
Lord please please make pa please please sincerely apologise to me without any delay ask me to meet him one one without any delay bring unity between us that we can be in agreement about everything please lord make me and pa relationship alot alot closer stronger deeper in every way flourish...
Lord lord please please melt melt pa heart towards me to me please in every single way please please convict pa in every way part of him for how he has treated me very strongly heavily thst he will apologise without any delay please lord please lord streanthen every part of me in mighty power...
May God give my husband favor before this new government of his State as he seeks for an appointment as PA to the governor on foreign direct investment. May God give us victory in all our challenges.
Very very urgent lord lord lord please please grant me all all the deepest deepest desires of my heart please please lord big huge tiny or small regarding pa all the particular make up new foundations cosmetics I desire regarding my hair skin under eyes teeth skin beauty apperance all things...
Lord please please give pa a very very strong desire to text me asking me to meet up please please lord without any delay in jesus christ namess please please lord melt pa heart towards me in every way make pa love attraction for me alot alot stronger stronger every day please please lord make...
Very urgent please all pray Lord please please move in pa to text me soo please give him huge desire to text me soon melt his heart towards me in every way mightly bless make him please please lord open up to me me only me in every single wsh bless me and pa with a divine connection in every...
Very urgent lord please please free pa to please please open open up to me me only me right now please in every way ajwqrs to please please meet up with me me one to one feel super super incredibly comfortable with me always please pleasd lord make me and pa love relashionship alot alot alot...
Very urgent please please lord melt melt pa heart towards me please please lord in every single way right now by your power please lord in jesus christ name bless make pa please please please lord be incredibly loving incredibly caring incredibly thoughtful incredibly gentle incredibly...
Very urgent lord please please make pa love for me grow grow stronger stronger in every single way more more every day please please lord make me and pa love relashionship alot alot closer stronger in every way more more every day please please lord bless pa to please please please support me in...
Please please pray I decree and declare Pa asks me me to marry him this year 2023 proposes to me tgis year 2023 he can't wait to ask me he crys asking Me because he has never experienced a love connection the way he has with me he buys me any engagement ring I want desire he desires me me only...
Please please please all pray pa asks me me to marry me this year 2023 proposes to me 2023 cabt wait to ask me he wants to be with me me only me forever and ever tells me this shows me this incredibly abundantly now always please lord in jesus christ namess