Dear Jesus, this week I get to have the kids. In the time I spend with them help me to be in the moment and help them to see the truth, that I love them and want to spend time with them. I can’t control what lies or attacks my ex places on my or how she is using the kids against me, the best I...
Ten years ago I was sexually assaulted by a university course mate. We were alone in my house and He terrified me so much I agreed I would have sex with him, even though I did not want to.
I then spent a whole week in bed pulling my hair out, reliving the moment, crying. I was in another...
abusive relationship
country: unknown
narcissistic abuse
new relationship
shocking psychological mistreatment
university course mate
upper hand
Why is God allowing this to happen???😭A individual is planning to leave, Move away with the child. This is dangerous, scary. Authorities have repeatedly investigated this person for abuse, 😭other things keeps escaping justice Very street smart. Pray for wisdom Authorities Officials, others too...
As in the days of Noah scripture says the days will be drinking marrying giving in marriage and other things mainly like as usual Scripture says. but it also says something like as no sign other that that of Jonah. Jonah had to tell Nineveh to repent and they did and God spared the city. So the...
I need prayer of protection over my children's industry, bodies and souls. Please pray the devils plans be broken and they are not susceptible to his evil schemes. The devil is using colors, bifocals and other things to attack my children into thinking that living like the world is acceptable...
Ten years ago I was sexually assaulted by a university course mate. We were alone in my house and He terrified me so much I said I would have sex with him, even though I did not want to. I then spent a whole week in bed pulling my hair out, reliving the moment, crying. I was in another country...
abusive relationship
amber heard johnny depp case
country: italy
narcissistic abuse
shocking psychological mistreatment
university course mate
upper hand
Keep Praying parent won't LEAVE😭, MOVE AWAY with the child. This is very important🚫 Parent" is in on, off relationship w with a guy who's in prison in Seattle for human Trafficking, kidnapping, drugs..Authorities have repeatedly investigated this parent "for abuse, 😭, other things. Kept getting...
country: unknown
human trafficking kidnapping drugs authorities
important parent
june 20th
mighty roadblocks
street smart parent
Pray parent won't LEAVE😭, MOVE AWAY with the child. This is very important🚫 Parent" is in on, off relationship w with a guy who's in prison in Seattle for human Trafficking, kidnapping, drugs..Authorities have repeatedly investigated this parent "for abuse, 😭, other things. Kept getting away...
country: unknown
human trafficking kidnapping drugs authorities
important parent
june 20th
mighty roadblocks
street smart parent
please pray for my daughter who is hurting badly,being depressed even suicidal.She is having issues in their marriage which causes them to heated up and fight.This is affecting the children.Pray that the husband will bow to her and apologize snd treating her better.The husband is texting other...
I wish people would learn to stand on their own 2 feet and stop needing me for this situation and that.{Not just even job related,somnetimes even other things.}.It gets to where I don't have a life of my own.
God, you know what my bestie Rachael is going though but I’m praying for her and her husband Scott’s marriage! Also other things going on! I love my friend so much and I know in my heart that she wants to see me! I know its hard for me to wait to see her! I need to wait! Please God teach me to...
Parent " is going to get child, to BEAT UP own child. 😭😭This is wrong, Pray for divine PROTECTION over, the child.. CPS have repeatedly investigated this person ABUSE, 😭 Other things, continues to escape justice, It's very scary. Parent", street smart..Pray for HELP DON'T let this child slip...
SOS!!🙏 DESTRUCTIVE person is going to get someone to BEAT UP own child 😭😭, PRAY for MIGHTY PROTECTION, HELP,, FAVOR.MERCY The CHILD is EXTREMELY SCARED, TERRIFIED This person is NO parent ", needs loose parental rights immediately.. What's impossible with man is possible with God. Authorities...
Child is living with friend's relatives. They're giving the child❤️ stability, 🏡,wonderful home, love They don't have legal rights, yet. Pray for help, supernatural favor, God's Grace, protection Parent " wants to sign over FULL CUSTODY, them then changes mind. Authorities Officials have...
child protection
country: unknown
full custody
grace protection parent
legal rights
mind authorities officials
street smart wisdom authorities
supernatural favor god
wonderful home love
🙏Need Authorities to investigate parent" again right now, for everything.This is very important Child is living with friend's relatives. They're giving 🏡child stability, ❤️wonderful home, love Parent " wants to sign over FULL CUSTODY to them then changes mind. This is messing up the child...
child stability
church members groups
country: unknown
full custody
important child
legal cracks
smart immediate wisdom authorities officials
wonderful home love parent
Pray Parent " STAY AWAY🚫 permanently, Child is living with friend's relatives They're giving child stability, wonderful home🏡, love❤️. Authorities Officials investigated this person for ABUSE 😭 Other things, keeps escaping justice, street smart Pray wisdom for Authorities Officials Child wants...
child stability
country: unknown
full custody
justice street smart wisdom
wonderful home love authorities officials
Pray Parent " STAY AWAY🚫 permanently, Child is living with friend's relatives They're giving child stability, wonderful home🏡, love❤️. Authorities Officials investigated this person for ABUSE 😭 Other things, keeps escaping justice, street smart Pray wisdom for Authorities Officials Child wants...
child stability
country: unknown
full custody
justice street smart wisdom
wonderful home love authorities officials
Lord please deliver me of any control and manipulation, deliver r and her family n a and release my divinity ... everything that the enemy has stolen from me ... all my blessings my powers and other things ... please give it back to me ijmnip amen