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  1. Articles

    Call for Peace and Holiness

    Hebrews 12:12-15 Dear Father, When my hands droop and my knees are weak, put me in a place where I will get exercise. Open my eyes so that I can find level paths on which to lead the lame so they will not trip and get hurt but will walk and find healing. May I always strive for peace with...
  2. Shreaa

    Please pray for my dad as he ...

    Please pray for my dad as he is about to sign up deal with someone and it's getting delayed by the other person so please keep my dad in prayers that whatever will be the the end result should be in God's favour and pray for my friend who is about to have final examinations. Thank you...
  3. Articles

    3 Ways To End An Affair

    3 Ways To End An Affair If you’re currently in an affair, or if you know somebody who is, these three things will be extremely important to you. If you are in an affair and deeply, emotionally connected to the other person, these three things still work if you do them. You might be...
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