My brother went crazy after surgery. Completely different person. He ran in the street screaming for a friend. The police came. Don’t know what happened after that. He went completely out of his mind after open heart surgery. Please for him.
Hi, there’s a child named John who was born with a heart defect and may have heart issues I guess to put it that way. He would need an open heart surgery. There are 2 other children aged 13 and 5 who are sick. There more than one child including one named Mark who’s suffering from the EB...
Lord i pray tht u use man of God prophet Tb Joshua to deliver me and restore me. Heal my mom and Dad. (MY FATHER HAS A LEG ULCER AND MOM HAD OPEN HEART SURGERY.PLS MON OF GOD I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A NEW ANNOINTED WATER.May Almighty God bless u and give u strenght in everything tht u do.
God, Please help my father Mr MD Mony, to cure from all health issues. He is having an open heart surgery on January 18th 2021 for aortic valve replacement. In future which is going to be an issue for Kidney. Creatine level is going high which will end up in dialysis. doctor have said that he...
My Dad, Harry, is having open heart surgery at 8:30am PST today at Overlake Hospital in Bellevue, please pray for comfort, grace and ease for him and my family, and that God's angels will guide the surgeons hands.
I pray before you to help my father M D Mony who is suffering from Heart and Kidney issues. He was recently admitted in hospital due to minor heart attack. Doctor have suggested to an angiogram followed by open heart surgery wich is risky also will effect the kidney very soon in near future...
Dr. says I have 3 occluded arteries in my heart- heart disease and need a triple bypass operation- open-heart surgery. Covid test positive but I have no symptoms. Please pray with me for a healing miracle. Also pray for finances to pay all accounts and debt - I am a tither. Thank you. God bless you.
Hi I’m just wondering if you’ll pray for my brother. My brother has gotten rushed to the hospital on a helicopter due to something on his heart. He will be undergoing open heart surgery as soon as possible. He is only 16 years old and as you imagine terrified out of his mind. Please please pray...
My name is Keamogetse Onalenna Mooki, i have a 13 months old baby girl who was born with a heart problem and she could not suck milk from the breast well as she tired easily. She was feeding through the tube. She underwent a open heart surgery at 3 month to re construct the heart and after the...
My 4 .month old graandbaby had open heart surgery and is having a hard time breathing on her own and is intensive care. Please pray for a miracle healing..
Danel Herman mills junior needs your prayers,cause he is having his third open heart surgery this morning at 7 am.
He's in grand rapids michigan hospital,but I don't know which one.
Under went 0pen heart surgery a few years ago but now the problem persists the doctor made an ex-ray and said the heart is swollen. I have severe pain in my chest and cannot breathe well I believe that god is going to heal me through the interactive prayer
I under went open heart surgery a few year ago but now the problem persists, the doctor made an ex-ray and said that the heart is swollen. I have severe pain in my chest and cannot breathe well. I believe that God is goning to heal me through the interactive prayer
Good morning and Win today . My name is Johanna Mphute Thandi Langa. I'm 57yrs old woman from South Africa in Limpopo I'm a teacher by profession. I have various health challenges 1.I have an enlarged heart using a pacemaker since 2001.2.I have diabetes type 2 using pills and insulin injectio...
Hi again, I’ve left a request a few hours ago and someone messaged me on one of the sites asking I was referring to a another child also named Joey. What I’ve read is that this other child also named Joey had had 3 open heart surgeries and also was born with a rare heart condition which caused...
baby joey
country: united kingdom
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rare heart condition
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