open doors

  1. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Tunisia

    Political unrest is increasing as Tunisia's president attempts to introduce a new constitution. Pray that Yah will bring stability to the country, and that despite persecution, the church's witness will draw more Tunisians to Christ's Love. Thanks for praying, Yah bless you. Taken from Open...
  2. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Morocco

    Anwar, Fatima and Adam are all facing intense pressure from family and friends to renounce their faith in Jesus. Pray that they would not lose heart but would be inwardly renewed day by day - 2 Corinthians 4:16 Thanks for praying, Yah bless, taken from Open Doors UK and Ireland prayer diary
  3. Sparklee

    "But seek first His kingdom and His ...

    "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you. So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."(Matthew 6:33-34) Thank You Lord Your Word is trustworthy and sovereign. Praise You for...
  4. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Cameroon

    Heavenly Father, please extend Your loving arms to Christians in the north of Cameroon who are grieving, traumatised or vulnerable. Show them Your tender care, and protect them from further violence. May they know Your peace that passes understanding. Give wisdom to church leaders and Open Doors...
  5. Culisonlon

    I need prayer for the Holy Spirit ...

    I need prayer for the Holy Spirit to reveal to me All the open doors I allowed the enemy to come in and remain in my life so I can repent and remove each one. I want to be 100% free. I desire to have the Heart of God. My mind wanders and strays when I want to spend time in the Word of God. I...
  6. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Libya

    There are very few Christians in Libya and choosing to follow Jesus often leads to great suffering, Pray for Ezekiel who is struggling with heavy persecution. Ask Yah to comfort him in his distress, and to heal him both physically and mentally. Thanks so much for praying, Yah bless you. Taken...
  7. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - for UK and Ireland to watch 'Standing Strong' and be moved to more prayer and support for our persecuted brethren

    Father Daniel, who runs a Centre of Hope in Iraq, will be speaking tonight at our annual gathering, Standing Strong. Pray that Yah will use his words to challenge, inspire and equip Christians in the UK and Ireland - and that they will be encouraged to keep praying for our persecuted church...
  8. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Iraq

    'Voice of Peace' is a Christian radio station that reaches up to 150,000 people across Iraq and the Middle East. Ask Yah to speak through its broadcasts to strengthen the church and improve the church's standing in Iraqi society. Thanks so much for praying, Yah bless you. Prayer taken from Open...
  9. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Oman

    Many smaller rural villages in the south and west of Oman have no contact or interaction with Christian believers. Pray that the inhabitants of these communities will encounter Christ in dreams and visions, and meet Christian in larger towns. Thanks so much for praying, Yah bless you. Prayer...
  10. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Turkey

    Protestant Christians and converts to Christianity lack legal recognition as a church and faith community, and as a result their rights to freedom of religion or belief are restricted. Pray that Yah will give these believers wisdom and creativity to meet together safely to worship, and for...
  11. Myrendir

    Oh Lord, I'm doing an aptitude test ...

    Oh Lord, I'm doing an aptitude test this Thursday and I pray and ask for your divine intervention and favour. Let your grace speak for me and my wife throughout the process. Dear Lord, we ask for your presence in our house. Whatever curse or calamity befallen us, we pray and ask that you uproot...
  12. Wylandadh

    'Voice of Peace' is a Christian radio ...

    'Voice of Peace' is a Christian radio station that reaches up to 150,000 people across Iraq and the Middle East. Ask Yah to speak through its broadcasts to strengthen the church and improve the church's standing in Iraqi society. Thanks so much for praying, Yah bless you. Prayer taken from Open...
  13. Anonymous

    Please pray to break all confusion in ...

    Please pray to break all confusion in this, this doctor wants me to drive far for our meetings now instead of continuing with our telehealth appointments making it very difficult for me to drive far with my older car and their help and cooperation and writing a letter in my behalf for open doors...
  14. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Iraq

    Church leaders in Iraq carry a heavy burden. Pray that Yashaya , that great Shepherd of the sheep, will equip them with everything good for doing His Will - Hebrews 13.20-21, as they shepherd those in their care. Thanks so much for praying, May Ahayah the Great I AM bless you, prayer taken...
  15. Wylandadh

    short prayer for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Algeria

    Father God, thank You that, even if churches are closed, nothing can stand in the way of Your children knowing and loving You. Please speak clearly and tenderly to our brothers and sisters who struggle to worship together, and who face such terrible persecution from their families and...
  16. Anonymous

    Praying this office received this important letter ...

    Praying this office received this important letter and this dr can proceed forward and with our plans for open doors soon and you help me excel in the gifts and talents You have given me. Please heal vocal cords and dissolve thyroid growths and nodule bring Strength and Protection and total head...
  17. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Iraq

    Many Iraqi Christians struggle to know whether to remain in Iraq due to ongoing insecurity. Pray for wise leaders who will support and guide believers making difficult decisions for the future of their families. Thank you so much for praying, Elohim bless you. Taken from Open Doors UK and...
  18. Teumach

    My brothers name is Sam Ebernazer. He ...

    My brothers name is Sam Ebernazer. He is going to be 41 next month. We are still looking for a life partner for him. Please pray that he should get married soon. We are from Sri Lanka. In our culture it is very hard to get a life partner once they get 40. But I believe God can. Please pray for...
  19. Teumach

    My brothers name is Sam Ebernazer. He ...

    My brothers name is Sam Ebernazer. He is going to be 41 next month. We are still looking for a life partner for him. Please pray that he should get married soon. We are from Sri Lanka. In our culture it is very hard to get a life partner once they get 40. But I believe God can. Please pray for...
  20. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Iraq

    More than 80% of Iraq's Christians have fled the country since 2003. Pray for church leaders like Fady who have chosen to stay to serve their communities. "It is important for Iraq to keep a Christian presence," says Fady. "As Christians, we are the salt of the earth. We have an ancient...
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