open doors usa text alert

  1. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - India - Hindu radical calls for beheading of Christians

    Our brothers and sisters in India have asked for urgent prayer. A Hindu religious teacher has called for the beheading of Christian converts during another mass rally against forced conversions in India's central Chhattisgarh State. "Behead them - those who come for conversion," Swami...
  2. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - New Indian regulation puts Christians at risk

    A common tactic in India to shut down a ministry or prevent evangelism is to bring a charge of 'forced conversion' by saying a new believer was bribed, coerced or threatened into changing his or her religion. Once the accusation is made, it is very difficult to be cleared from it. And our Indian...
  3. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Where being a Christian is a death sentence

    A new report, "Killing in the Name of God. State-Sanctioned Violations of Religious Freedom," shows the reality faced by millions of believers around the world: Following Jesus can mean death. But we don't have to be hopeless - we can stand with our brothers and sisters in prayer. In 2020, some...
  4. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Where being a Christian is a death sentence

    A new report, "Killing in the Name of God; State-Sanctioned Violations of Religious Freedom," shows the reality faced by millions of believers around the world: Following Jesus can mean death. But we don't have to be hopeless - we can stand with our brothers and sisters in prayer. In 2020, some...
  5. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Brunei

    In Brunei, a tiny nation on the coast of Borneo in Asia, leaving Islam for another religion is illegal. Those who convert encounter signifigant persecution from local and governmental sources. Converts can be disowned by their families and forced to divorce their spouse and leave the family...
  6. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Indonesia - Christian YouTuber beaten, tortured in prison

    We often take for granted our right to free speech. The Indonesian constitution also allows for freedom of speech......unless the speech is considered blasphemous against religion, specifically Islam. Blasphemy is a criminal act and can be penalized by up to 5 years in prison. Muhammad Kece came...
  7. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - India - hatred spreads and pastors are targeted

    Radical Hindu rallies against Christians in India have taken a new, more targeted turn, and believers there are living in fear of what may come next. In addition to the protests in Chhattisgarh that we've been praying about recently, now the large state of Madhya Pradesh is also joining the...
  8. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - India - please pray the anti-Christian rallies are still going

    The situation for our brothers and sisters in Chhattisgarh, India, is still very sensitive. Last week we told you about massive anti-Christian protests in the city - protests against Christians continue across India, and rallies have had 500 or more people take part. Some members of the...
  9. Wylandadh

    India persecuted Christians update. prayer needed urgently

    The situation for our brothers and sisters in Chhattisgarh, India, is still very sensitive. Last week we told you about massive anti-Christian protests in the city - protests against Christians continue across India, and rallies have had 500 or more people take part. Some members of the...
  10. Wylandadh

    Update - URGENT prayer still needed for India

    The situation for our brothers and sisters in Chhattisgarh, India, is still very sensitive. Last week we told you about massive anti-Christian protests in the city - protests against Christians continue across India, and rallies have had 500 or more people take part. Some members of the...
  11. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Nigerian violences takes a pastor and 11 other believers lives

    A church leader in Nigeria's Southern Kaduna state is one of the latest victims of the growing violence. And believers are asking for prayer. The body of Silas Yakubu Ali, a 55 year old senior pastor of the Evangelical Church Winning All, was found after he did not return from a visit to another...
  12. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Please pray with believers in Central AFrican Republic

    As it's name implies, Central African Republic (CAR) is in the very centre of Africa, surrounded by many other countries where violence against Christians is common. The nation has seen near-constant conflict and fighting since 2013, as various armed militia groups have fought for power and...
  13. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Vietnam - Update - believers work together, build water tanks

    It is wonderful to be able to bring you celebration from our sisters and brothers in Vietnam! Previously, we shared about 6 families from northwest Vietnam who were excluded from receiving government financial aid intended for building concrete water tanks. Because they have become Christians...
  14. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Indonesia - helping believers stand strong

    Open Doors local partners get into a small boat with minimal safety equipment and cross rough seas for 2 hours to visit Mentawai Island in Western Sumatra, Indonesia. Through your prayers, you go with them. The purpose of their visit is to bring persecution preparedness training to the 200+...
  15. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Central Asia - 9 year old boy beaten badly for his faith. Please pray this is heartbreaking

    All Ivan ever wanted to do was play sports. And he was good at it. So good, his parents sent him to a summer school sports camp. He hoped to make sports his career eventually. What Ivan's Christian family didn't realise was that all the other boys at the camp were Muslims, as was the trainer...
  16. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - 3 days of urgent prayer called for Iran

    Iranian Christians are struggling - and they've sent an urgent request for you to pray. They ask you to join them in 3 days of fasting, starting today and going through Friday, August 20. On August 13 the New York Times reported that "Iran is under assault from the most cataclysmic wave yet of...
  17. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Central African Republic - Older couple flees after repeated sexual assault.

    Mama Agathe is a 61 year old Christian from Central AFrican Republic. She and her husband, a 67 year old deacon in their church, were at home on the evening of July 4, 2021. Suddenly, three men arrived with guns, knives and machetes arrived. As they threatened her husband, they sexually...
  18. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - AFghanistan. URGENT. Please pray with us as the situation for Christians becomes even worse because of the Taliban

    "Our hearts are broken. We knew this could happen. We are not surprised but this does not make the pain any less." These are the words of Open Doors Field Director for Asia, Brother Samuel as he descrives the retaking of Afghanistan by the Taliban over the weekend. The frenzy of fear among the...
  19. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - URGENT - Believers in great peril in AFghanistan

    We bring you stories about persecuted believers all over the world, but sometimes the situation is so dangerous that we can't tell you much about them at all. That's the situation in Afghanistan. Afghanistan has been at war and in upheaval for decades. It's dominated by Islamic radicals, and...
  20. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - total lockdown in North Korea making life even harder

    North Korea continues to be one of the most notorious places in the world to live as a Christian. And Covid-19 has made it even worse. North Korean officials have used the pandemic as a excuse the widen the 'no man's land' at all it's borders to 1 mile wide. Soldiers have orders to shoot to kill...
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