one time

  1. Articles

    Today's Verse - Psalm 56:4 (KJV)

    In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me. —Psalm 56:4 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... When all is said and done, there really isn't a whole lot we can trust. Most of us have been hurt at one time or another by a friend who has...
  2. Bodais

    Dear God please allow me to get ...

    Dear God please allow me to get through my 11:30a.m.appointment September 22, 2022, at my Onologist with good news that my results be negative for cancer anywhere in my body, God please. You have answered all my prayers having to do with this sudden illness. God you got me up and walking when at...
  3. Liana256


    God, Thank you for this day. God, Thank you for the father, the son and the Holy Spirit in my life alway, my childrens life alway, my brothers and sisters life alway, and my hellyans life alway. God, Thank you. Jesus, I pray for my cousin, Crissy, she had emergency open heart surgery last night...
  4. UsherDaniel

    Why did I came here?

    Only one time and that is enough for all of us to find true life in Him, peace, joy and happiness coming to our future life with Jesus. To say one word to Him is to say wonders of His love and mercy. With fragrance so deep and the love that no one can take away from us. For You are great...
  5. Liekil

    Man of God I have tried manything ...

    Man of God I have tried manything all in vain that's to say marriage ,no development en I believe in God that one time I will be ok
  6. Robert Pearson

    We need more people to sit in ...

    We need more people to sit in a prayer room that has gone on now for 16 months at an online chat site. Thousands of people visit the site each day and we've seen up to 15 people in the room at one time. Having people in the room is an online witness at this secular site that God is real and...
  7. Eisporokles

    My son Isaac is oppressed. Isolates himself. ...

    My son Isaac is oppressed. Isolates himself. Stopped going to church. Used to hear voices. Used to watch porn & masturbate. Used to laugh alone, was suicidal at one time. Hasn't bathed maybe six weeks. Doesn't want to cut his hair. Has failed to do college He wants to, but something is...
  8. Articles

    Today's Verse - Psalm 14:1 (KJV)

    The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. —Psalm 14:1 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... At one time or another, most of us raised an angry fist to fate and cursed the darkness. Each of these actions is...
  9. Patriotic_2020

    Lord I meant my twin flame 7 ...

    Lord I meant my twin flame 7 years ago and I felt so drawn to him he would just stare at me and I at him it was so powerful feeling inside that I felt and he seem to feel that way to, and the people I was with saw it to him starting at me it was so exciting I felt so special that he would do...
  10. Serion

    Im scared very scared i want to just cry

    My daughter Alex and alyssa whom are 11 and 9 my husband Aaron Daniel Ware 40 day before yesturday and yesturday Thursday kept saying he wanted ti adopt my kids . However we been married 6 years and none of this came about when we were dating and when we got married and see his mom and dad live...
  11. Serion

    Im scared very scared i want to just cry

    My daughter Alex and alyssa whom are 11 and 9 my husband Aaron Daniel Ware 40 day before yesturday and yesturday Thursday kept saying he wanted ti adopt my kids . However we been married 6 years and none of this came about when we were dating and when we got married and see his mom and dad live...
  12. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I am not feeling well tonight could you please kindly pray for me ( thank-you )

    There were some things that had really upset me today They were out of my control & i could not stop them from happening but i sincerely tried to handle it all as bet as i could none the less Now this evening i am not feeling well due to getting too stressed out And I can only take soo much in...
  13. csaaphill

    Gangstalking Satanists and wanting my shoes

    Ok it's not my literal shoes they want it's my armor but specifically my shoes of the Gospel. If you've seen my v2k recordings you've heard kids say crap like I'm evil and God is evil and you may have heard them say or sing things like shoes take off your shoes etc... Or you may not. But I'm...
  14. sharonjoan

    prayers for us all that is in ...

    prayers for us all that is in the path of this big snow storm we are all getting to be safe and not get lots at one time.
  15. csaaphill

    Father I thank you and your son ...

    Father I thank you and your son for all that he does. I thank you for your mercy and forgiveness in all sin and protections. I come to you humbled and a sinner and admit my faults but wicked people tear at me like lions wanting illegal revenge over something that either never happened, and they...
  16. csaaphill

    Dear Lord I know all things work ...

    Dear Lord I know all things work for our my betterment, but what is your will in this mess???? To turn a munch of people using technology illegally and hurting and killing people? OR to have a bunch of tares in one spot at one time so when time comes you will have a bunch of them messing with me...
  17. Anagniosyne

    Dear Lord, my confession continues to cause ...

    Dear Lord, my confession continues to cause more hurt for my wife. She has decided to leave the house for awhile. I of course have no idea where she is and if she is coming home any time soon. Lord there are group of sins in life that can destroy multiple families at one time, and the repair...
  18. lmikewhite

    I would like prayer for a work ...

    I would like prayer for a work situation. I believe the people in charge at work are starting a new policy at work, in which everyone on a list to potentially be drafted or forced to work an extra four hours in a day, 12 hours, instead of 8, will be for that day. Each person would not have to...
  19. WingsofaDove

    I had a hard heart at one ...

    I had a hard heart at one time. I have been shown to have a flesh heart so the Satan can't choke the word on rock places. ( Parable of the sower).Now I have fast and prayed that I can produce fruit. Also since I fasted and prayed I understand the ible better. Before I didn't get a lot of the...
  20. Terisard

    Prayer requests for the Democratic party in ...

    Prayer requests for the Democratic party in the United States of America. I don't know whether you folks have been experiencing this phenomena. The Democratic party, keeps sending me these text messages asking for US Federal Reserve System Notes. Today, I received a text, from Honorable Mrs...
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